Friday, April 20, 2012

Month number 1


Zadatak za ovaj mesec mi je bio više nego inspirativan. Svuda sa sobom sam nosila fotoaparat i zaista sam u mnogo većoj meri obraćala pažnju na detalje oko sebe. Mnoge stvari su bile tu svo vreme, ali sam prosto prolazila pored njih, ne primećujući ih, ili ne obraćajući pažnju na njihov značaj ili lepotu. Neki detalji su bili vezani za konkretan doživljaj u tom trenutku, i fotografijom sam želela da ih obeležim, dok traju. Pošto nemam profesionalni fotoaparat, na naredne fotografije gledajte više kao na moj pokušaj da prenesem doživljeno, pre nego da na "profesionalan" način fotografijom prikažem sadržaj. Nadam se da ćete uživati...
Ovo je prvi deo. Planiram da do kraja meseca okačim još fotografija...Stay tuned!

Btw, za sve koji vole fotografijom da obeleže svakodnevni život, evo jednog divnog projekta: 365project. Čim nabavim profesionalni aparat, priključujem se :)


A task for his month was more than inspiring. I was bringing the camera everywhere I was going, and I was paying more attention to the details around me. A lot of things were there all the time, but I was just passing by them, not noticing them, or not paying attention to their value and beauty. Some details were about a concrete experience, and I wanted to capture them with a photo, until they disappear. Since I don`t have a professional camera, to the following photos you should look more like to my attempt to share what I experienced, more than as a professional way to show the content through a photography. I hope u`ll enjoy..
This is the first part. I`m planning to share more photos until the end of the month. Stay tuned!

Btw, for all those who like to capture everyday life with a camera, here`s one great project: 365project. As soon as I get a professional camera, I`m joining the project :)

Prvih nekoliko fotografija su sa mog kratkog vikend putovanja u Prag. ////// The first few photos are from my short weekend-trip to Prague.

Bratislava, Slovakia. Dok smo čekali prevoz, drug i ja smo slučajno nabasali na staro groblje, koje je pretvoreno u spomen-park, prepun spomenika i nadgrobnih spomenika starih i do nekoliko vekova. ////// While waiting for the transportation, a friend and I entered the old cemetery, which they turned into a monumental park. It`s full of a few centuries old headstones and monuments.

Prague, Czech republic. Partijali smo ceo vikend, posetili veći deo popularnih barova i klubova, pa je ovo simbol naših "noga lutalica". /////// We were partying the whole weekend, visited most of the important bars and clubs, and this is the symbol of us "wanderers".

Prague, Czech republic. Sat u jednom klubu. Dok ne dokučiš koje je vreme, već si odustao i odlučio da nastaviš sa igranjem :) ///////  The clock in the club. Until you decide what the time is, you give up, and you continue dancing :)

Prague, Czech republic. Pravoslavni Uskrs u EU. Uz rakiju, naravno. ///////// Orthodox Easter in EU. With rakija, of course.

Novi Sad, Serbia. Centar grada/Centre of the city. Ispred nekoliko preostalih ruiniranih kuća i betona i modernih zgrada koje ih okružuju, raste drveće japanske trešnje. Nikad ranije ih nisam primetila. //////  In front of a few ruined houses and concrete and modern buildings that sourrounds them, there are cherry blossom trees. I`ve never noticed them before.

Novi Sad, Serbia. Spomenik na Trgu mladenaca.//// The monument at the "Square of The newly weds".

Cafe Nublu, Novi Sad. "People say that life is important, but I prefer reading".

Fish i zelenish, the restaurant, Novi Sad. More u sred betonske džungle. /////The sea in the middle of a concrete jungle.

Majice sa žurki :) /////// T-shirts from the parties :)

Naredna slika možda izgelda pomalo morbidno, ali uslikana je u jednom najčistijem i najopuštenijem trenutku. /////////// The following photo maybe looks a bit morbid, but it was taken in the most purest and most relaxing moment.

Slede detalji iz mog malog rajskog doma. ///////////// The following are details from my little heavenly home.

Čuvar karata i propusnica :) ////////////// Entry tickets keeper :)

Hope U`ve enjoyed the photos. As much as U will with this song: