Male stvari u životu.../Little things in life..

Ćao. Hvala što si svratio/la. Ovo sam ja... ///////////// Hello there. Thanks for stopping by. This is who I am...

Umesto da govorim o klasičnim stvarima koje me opisuju, opisaću nekoliko sitnih stvari u životu koje me ispunjavaju. One će tebi, čitaocu, moći mnogo dublje i jasnije da me predstave. Oni koji se u njima pronalaze moći će da me razumeju, a oni koji ostaju indiferentni, moći će barem tu ravnodušnost da iskoriste za dalju izgradnju stava o meni i mom blogu! //////////// Instead of talking about classical things that describe me, I`ll describe in short a few simple things in life that fullfill me. I think that they will introduce me in a more ulterior and clearer way. The ones who find themselves in those descriptions will understand me, and those who stay indifferent, will be able to, at least, build one`s opinion, based on that indifference.

Prvo što mi pada na pamet je ispunjenost svih čula kada se prostorijom raširi miris tek oljuštene pomorandže. Prva asocijacija mi odmah bude čistota, u svoj svojoj potpunosti. Pa još kada sama ljuštim i pojedem tu pomorandžu, a na rukama osećam njen miris minutima koji slede... Mmmm.. //////// The first thing that comes to my mind is fullfillment of all my senses when in the room is spreading the scent of a fresh peeled orange. The first association immediately is the pureness, in all its completness. And when I`m the one who peels the orange and eat it, and when in following minutes I feel its scent on my fingers.. Mmmm...

Slično se osećam i leti, napolju, posle letnje kiše. I, iako one često dođu "iznenada, i bez najave", pa znaju da iskomplikuju neke planove, istovremeno donose i toliko lepih osećanja. Podsećaju me na detinjstvo, nevinost, a neretko imaju i romantičnu notu. Uhvatila sam sebe kako govorim i da je divno šetati napolju po letnjoj kiši, a kada bolje razmislim, svaki put kada me je iznenadila, ja sam trčala negde tražeći zaklon. I tako, za sada odlučujem da ne forsiram filmske scene u svom životu, onda kada u stvari i nemam istinsku potrebu za tim. ////////// Similar feelings I have in summer, after summer rain. And, even though, summer rains come "suddenly, and without the announcement" and they tend to complicate some plans, at the same time they bring so many beautiful feelings. They remind me of childhood, innocence, and very often they have a romantic note. I caught myself in talking how it`s wonderful to walk during summer rain, and when I thought better, I realized that eacht ime when it surprised me, I was always running somewhere to hide. So, I decided that for now, I won`t force movie scenes in my life in moment when I really don`t have a need for it.

Sa druge strane, divno je i biti kući u jesen ili zimi kada napolju pljušti, a ti znaš da ne moraš nigde. Što je veoma retko u odraslom užurbanom životu. A možda baš zato i tako dragoceno... ///////// On the other side, it`s wonderful to be in the house in autumn or winter when it`s raining cats and dogs outside, and you know that you don`t have to go anywhere. Whish is very rare in fast adult life. Maybe that`s the reason why it`s so precious...

A miris sveže pokošene trave? Podseća na nešto novo, rađanje, svežinu.. ///////// And smell of a freshly mawned grass? It reminds me of something new, a birth, the freshness...

Petak posle podne, kad se vratiš sa posla. Kad bi me neko pitao koji mi je omiljeni dan u nedelji, ja bih kao iz topa odgovorila "petak posle podne". Ne prva polovina dana, jer i tada ustajem rano. Ne ni subota, jer tada nema te opuštenosti koju osećaš petkom, usled saznanja da si završio sa radnom nedeljom, u momentu dok odlažeš torbu negde na čiviluk. I tek onda osećaš i onu najtananiju razliku u napetosti stomačnih mišića, poredeći taj trenutak sa prethodnih pet dana. A misliš da ti nedelja i nije bila nešto stresna!? ////////// Friday afternoon, when you come back from the work. If somebody asked me which day of the week is my favourite, I would immediately answered "Friday afternoon". Not the first part of the of the day, because you still have to wake up early. Not even Saturday, because then there`s no such relaxation which you can feel on Friday while you sense that you are finished with your working week, in a moment while you are putting your bag on a hanger. And only then you can feel that tiny difference in the pressure of your abs, comparing that moment to the previous five working days. And you would think that working week wasn`t that stressful?!

Nije petak, ali obaveze zovu... Taman da ne umorim sa puno teksta. Nastavak sledi.. ///////// It`s not Friday, but obligations are calling me... Just not to tire you with lots of text. To be continued...


... Male stvari u životu,  part 2 /////// Little things in life, part 2

Zadovoljstvo nakon uspeha koji znaš da si zaslužio. Ne prihvatam geslo da je "skromnost vrlina". Smatram da uvek treba težiti nekom izazovnom cilju, ali pritom ne precenjivati sebe i voditi računa da su ti  ciljevi realni. Pa tako i ne mogu a da ne sakrijem zadovoljstvo nakon postignutog uspeha za nešto oko čega sam se zaista trudila, i u čemu sam upravo bila i vođena zamišljanjem tog uspeha. Naravno, samo ako taj uspeh nije na štetu drugih. Mada, samim tim ako ti nešto dobiješ ili u nečemu uspeš, automatski uskraćuješ šansu nekom drugom ko je možda to isto pokušavao. Jel to onda na njegovu štetu? Hm? ///////// Satisfaction after the success you know you have deserved. I don`t accept the saying that "modesty is virtue". I believe that you should always aim to a challenging goal, but at the same time to keep them real, and not to overestimate yourself. That`s why I just can`t hide satisfaction after achieveing a success in something that you really worked hard for, while actually being lead by imagining that success. Of course, only when that success is not damaging somebody else. But, if you get something or you succeed in something, doesn`t that automatically mean that you are depriving somebody of a chance to experience the same. Does your success maybe damages him then? Hm?

Osećati zavisnost od neke pesme. Onaj osećaj kada moraš samo još jednom da odslušaš pesmu pre nego što legneš, a onda ne možeš da dočekaš da ustaneš da bi je ponovo čuo. Neprocenjivo. //////// Feeling addicted to a song. That feeling when you have to listen to a song one more time before you go to bed, and then you can`t wait to get up and listen to it again. Priceless.

I tako sam ja ovih dana zaražena ovom pesmom: ///// And so, lately, I`m addicted to this song: 

Sličnu ispunjenost i uzbuđenje imam i kada se bukvalno navučem na neku tv seriju. Ili neki divan snimak ili projekat na You Tube. Kada te potpuno razgali svojom iskrenošću i toplinom, i s pravom postane svojevrsna senzacija. Sada upravo otkrivam kako reči poput "zavisnost" i "navući se" danas u slengu ne moraju uvek imati negativnu konotaciju. Tim povodom evo dva snimka/projekta koji mi iznova i iznova izazivaju toplinu oko srca. ////// Similar fullfillment and excitement I have when I`m literaly hooked on a tv show. Or to some wonderful video or project on You Tube. When you are totally overwhelmed with its honesty and warmth, and, with right, when it becomes a real sensation. At the moment I`m discovering how words "addiction" and "to be hooked on" today in slang don`t always have to have negative conotation. Having said that, here are two videos/projects that over and over constantly elicit the warmth in my heart. 


  1. Hello there too! I love meeting new bloggers.. and thank you for visiting my 'nest' - glad to have you there... LOVE this 6x6 idea, its great to see and savour the extra in the ordinary!
    Those last two videos - ahhhmazing.
    Mel ;o)

  2. Great to have you here, too. feel fee to follow me, lots of new things coming up :)
