Month number 4, Task 6
Još uvek dosta volim da izlazim, i još uvek nekako uspevam da uskladim sve obaveze sa povremenim (često velikim) izlascima. I još uvek me drži želja za povrmenim izlascima... Roditelji me često pitaju "kad ćeš prestati?", ja nisam sigurna da li ću odgovor znati u skorijoj budućnosti. I da li će ga ikada i biti?
No, dok ne dođem to tog odgovora, evo jednog primera mog outfita za izlazak. Već godinama od obuće uveče forsiram uglavnom štikle, što ne znači da mi ravna obuća nije jednako elegantna. Pošto sam niska, štikle me malo izduže i daju mi dodatnu notu ženstvenosti, koja mi izuzetno prija. Zimi najviše volim da kombinujem sa uskim pantalonama, dok su leti to uglavnom šorcevi i suknjice. I nakit je opet nezaobilazan detalj ove vrste mog outfita. Na torbe sam inače slaba, ali što se tiče izlazaka, imam nekoliko njih koje "vrtim". Razlog je jednostavan: uglavnom idem u klubove i dešavanja gde se puno igra, te torbu ostavim "gde stignem", pa zato ne želim da rizikujem da nekog častim nekom od svojih dragocenih favorita.
Sledi primer samo jednog mog outfita za izlazak. Neke od njih možete videti i ovde, a verujem da će se pojaviti i u budućnosti, kao propratni elemenat nekih od narednih postova :)
I still like to go out, and I still somehow manage to combine all the obligations with frequent (often big) night outs in the town. I still have the need to go out.. My parents often ask me "when will you stop?", but I`m not sure if I`ll know the answer in near future. And will I ever know it?
Anyway, until I get to the right answer, here`s one example of my "night out" outfit. For years now, I usually wear high heels in the night. Which doesn`t mean tha flat shoes can not be equally elegant for me... Since I`m short, high heels give me a bit of more height, and additional feminine note, in which I enjoy very much. In winter, I usually combine the heels with slim pants, and in summer usually with shirts and skirts. Jewelery is once again unavoidable detail of my outfit. I`m weak on bags, but when I go out, I usually bring a few regulars of them. The reason is simple: I usually go to clubs and happenings where there`s lot of dancing, and I leave my bag wherever it suits me, so I don`t want to risk making someone happy by giving them the opportunity to steal some of my precious favourites.
This is the example of one of my nightie outfits. Some of them you can see here, and I believe that the examples will show up in near future also, as an additional element of some of my upcoming posts :)
Ovim je završen još jedan mesec mog projekta. Čini mi se da sam ovaj zadatak pre "odradila" nego što mi je bio izazovan. Uvatila sam sebe da se sam usput slikam, a ne da dodatno obraćam pažnju na svoj outfit i da ga usavršavam, što je i bio cilj. Zato za sledeći mesec imam nešto što će mi stvarno biti prijatan izazov. Zadatak za sledeći mesec je: OTKRITI 6 (ZA MENE) NOVIH MUZIČKIH IZVOĐAČA U ČIJOJ MUZICI UŽIVAM. Ranije sam imala ritual da nedeljno otkrivam nove izvođače, jer je muzika neizostavan, i bitan detalj, mog života. U poslednje vreme sam taj "trenutak za mene" deo svog života zapostavila, pa ne mogu da dočekam otkrića nove muzike koju ću rado podeliti sa vama.
By this, another month of my project is off. It seems to me that this month I was just finishing the tasks, rather then enjoying in their challenge. I caught myself just photographing for tasks, and not additionaly paying attention to my outfit and to improving it, which was the goal anyway. That`s why for next month I will do something very enjoyable and challenging for me. The task for next month is: TO DISCOVER 6 (FOR ME) NEW MUSIC ARTISTS IN WHOSE MUSIC I ENJOY. Before, I had a ritual to discover new artists every week, because music is important detail in my life. Lately, I have neglected that part of "moment to my self" part of life, so I can`t wait those new discoveries which I`ll gladly share with you.
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