Saturday, September 15, 2012

Priceless ////////// Neprocenjivo...

Month number 6, Task 3

... ocećaj kada gledaš i slušaš nečiju grandioznu izvedbu u emisijama Prvi glas, Ja imam talenat i sl. Trnci, žmarci i sva ostala družina. A ti želiš da slušaš iznova i iznova, i da se diviš nečijem talentu. I da poželiš da si na njegovom/njenom mestu, jer nema ništa lepše nego kad nekog naježiš svojim glasom i muzikalnošću.

...subota ujutro, kada bez obaveza ustaneš u vreme koje ti odgovara. Pa još kad znaš da nisi izašao petak veče, pa je to vreme ustajanja još uvek ujutro, kada ceo dan imaš ispred sebe.

... kada uradiš hiljadu stvari, a na satu tek podne. Pa znaš da toliko toga još možeš uraditi u toku tog dana

... period kada "gutaš" knjige. Ono kada ne možeš da dočekaš da završiš jednu knjigu i da kreneš sa sledećom koja već čeka u redu. Pa se osećaš tako uzvišeno jer čitaš puno :)

... kada nisi baš za druženje, ali ti je glupo da ispališ nekog sa kim si se već dogovorio. Pa ispadne da vam bude tako dobro da ti se ne ide kući. Pa budeš ponosan sobom, svojim prijateljstvom.

... osećaj kada u mailu vidiš notifcations from

... osećaj kada počne jesen i svi su nešto u fazonu "beži kišo s prozora", a tebi super!

Šta je za vas neprocenjivo?


.. the feeling when you watch and hear someone`s amazing performance in X factor, Idol, etc. And you get goosebumps, butterflies, and all the others grom that gang. And you just want to listen to him/her over and over again, and to admire someones`s talent. And you wish that you are in his/her position, because there`s nothing more wonderful than to make people feel goosebumps with your voice and musicality.

... Saturday morning, when you get up at time you feel comfortable, without any early obligations. And you know that you didn`t go out the previous night, so you got up in the morning and you have the whole day in front of you.

... when you finish thousands of different things, and the clock shows only noon. And you know that you can do so many other things during that day.

... the period when you read a lot. And when you can`t wait to finish one book, because another one is waiting in a line. And you feel so sophisticated and inteligent because you are reading a lot :)

.. when you are not in a mood for hanging out, but you don`t want to reject the friends with whom you have already made the arrangments. And in the end it turn out to be so good with them, that you don`t want to go home. And you feel proud with yourself, and with your friendship :)

... the feeling when in mail you see the notifications from

... the feeling when the autumn starts and everybody is like "oh no, rain!", but you feel great!

What is priceless for you?


  1. Happy to find your blog and glad to know that you are a Psychologist. I am from India, I am a creative person and homemaker and I have keen interest in Psychology as a subject. I loved reading this post of yours, how you have analysed your feelings related to everyday priceless moments. Believe me, I loved reading and could also identify with each and every point you wrote here.
    have a nice day !

    1. Thanks so much for your enthusiasm and kind words. Have a nice day, too!

  2. Thank you for leaving your thoughtful feedback in my blog ! I have read your previous post on "crying" and I appreciate the way you have written on a topic which people do not generally talk about. I love your sense of humor as well as your analytic approach to life, I feel that you are a deep thinker as it reflects in your posts ! You are much like me. I am following you and I will keep in touch with you through this blog of yours. Keep writing about your views on topics about life, I really enjoyed reading them from your perspective.
    Have a wonderful day !

  3. Exposure 99% weekday hop.
    I found you through this linky.

  4. Prošao mi je taj period gutanja knjiga. Ja bih da se opet vrati, ali ne odmah :D.

    1. Razumem te. Meni je trebalo par godina da ga povratim, najiskrenije :) zato ga sad ne ispustam...

  5. hahahahaahahahahaahhaa enjoyed the pic soo much!
