Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer in the city!

Month number 3, Task 4

Onaj osećaj kada ne znaš šta bi pre, jer je leto napokon tu. I to leto sa tako visokim temperaturama, da zaboraviš da si do juče žudeo za suncem, jer samo o jednoj osvežavajućoj kiši razmišljaš..


That feeling when you don`t know what to do first, cause summer is finally there! And summer with temperatures so high, that you easily forget how you longed for the sun, cause now you can only think about a refreshing rain shower..

A ne! Glavni junaci smo opet moj momak i ja, tj. Denis i ja (izrazio je želju da počnem da ga oslovljavam imenom :) ). I to na Štrandu, gradskoj plaži na Dunavu. Neki kažu da je to i najlepša plaža duž celog toka ove reke. Kao da si na moru, samo što nema spajanja vode sa nebom u daljini :) 
Prvo je valjalo započeti sezonu sunčanja...


Oh no! The main characters of the story are again my boyfriend and me, i.e. Denis and me (he wanted me to start calling him by his name on the blog :) ). We were on Strand, city beach on the Danube. Some say that it`s the most beautiful beach along the flow of the Danube. It`s like you are at the seaside, except you don`t have joining the sea with the sky in the offing :)
First, it was good to start the sunbathing season...

..Svako stopalo u pesku mora izgledati lepše...


... Every foot in the sand must look nicer...

Detalji... ///// ... The details...

Osnovnoškolke piju pivo (a mi taman gledali film Klip) :(


Elementary school girls are drinking beer (and we have just watched the movie Clip - a brutal view on wrong values among the youngsters in Serbia :( )

Tamo ću te voditi.... ///// I`ll take you there...

Na jednoj strani plaže program za decu... //// On one part of the beach there`s a programme for children...

... a na drugoj zabava za mlade...//// ... and on the other there`s a party for the young...

A valjalo bi nešto i popiti na kraju napornog dana na plaži :)


It would be good to drink something after a long and difficult day on the beach :)

Novi Sad je čudo!


Novi Sad is a miracle!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Girls, girls, girls!

Month number 3, Task 3

Ima nešto u tim "ženskim večerima"... Za samo par sati nekad možemo uraditi toliko različitih stvari, a nekad i samo običan višečasovni razgovor može značiti kao najbolji izlazak. Oduvek sam se puno družila i sa muškarcima i sa njima zaista prijaju neobavezne šale i priče, i beskrajni izlasci. I ono "nije mi teško ništa".. Ali, oni duboki razgovori, cinične i dvosmislene šale, i teški hedonizam, vezuju me najviše za moje drugarice. Od kada nas je progutao ovaj "odrasli" svet, dragoceno je kada uspe više nas da se nađe, kada možemo da odvojimo nekoliko sati jedne za druge, a da smo barem približno jednako umorne :-/ A kada to uspemo da iskombinujemo, uživanje je zagarantovano!

Meseci su prošli od kada nisam uspela u jednom cugu da se nađem sa obe moje drugarice, glavne junakinje ovog posta. Jedna je majka jedne male preslatke princeze, a druga je do skoro imala 24/7 posao. To veče je bilo naše veče, i maksimalno smo ga iskoristile!

Veče je moralo početi laganim zagrevanjem....


There`s something about the "girls nights"... For only a few hours sometimes we can do so many different things, and sometimes only one long conversation can be as the best going out. I`ve always been hanging out with male friends too, and with them I like those unbound jokes and stories, and endless parties. And that "I`m for everything.. Everything is OK for me.." But, those deep conversations, cinycal and ambiguous jokes, and complete hedonism, I connect mostly to my girlfriends. Since we`ve been caught up with this "grown up" world it`s more than precious when more than two of us manage to hang out, when we can separate a few hours for each other, and then to be almost equally tired :-/ And when we manage to do that, the satisfaction is guaranteed!

Months have passed since I had met the two of my dear friends (the main characters of this post) at once. One is a mother of on sweet little princess, and the other one since recently had a 24/7 job. That night was our night, and we have used it to the fullest!

The night had to start with a little warm up...

Bilo je teško odlučiti se... //// It was hard to decide...

.. ali je prioritet od početka bio ovaj:  ///// ... but, the priority was this...

Ništa bez večere. A sada smo sve tri sve vičnije u kuvanju, pa možemo i same... No, za svaki slučaj, valja se podsetiti recepta...


Nothing without a prope dinner. Since all three of us are more and more experienced in kitchen, we can do it by ourselves now... However, just in case, it`s good to be reminded of the recipe...

.. "Joj, šta ću prvo!?"...  /// "Hmmm, what will I do first?"

Nemoj da me je neko deranžirao!!! (Nisam trudna, to je samo majica :) )


Nobody can dearrange me!!! (I`m not pregnant, it`s just a t shirt :) )

Mmmm, nešto lepo miriše!  ///// Mmmmm, something smells nice!

.. a bilo je i ukusno... //// and it was tasty....

U pitanju su taljatelje u sosu od vrganja. Recept možete naći ovde.


The meal was Tagliattelle in a sauce with cepe mushrooms. I saw the recipe on the Internet, but since it`s in Serbian, I`ll translate it to the english readers...

60g cepe mushrooms
1 onion
2 slices of garlic
1dcl of sour creme
1 teaspoon of olive oil
1 teaspoon of butter
1 teaspoon of ground paprika
4 teaspoons of parsley
500ml of soup
1dcl of white wine
salt, pepper

Put mushrooms in water and leave it for 1/2 hours. 1/5 of mushrooms you take out from the bowl, put it in a pan and cook it with soup for 15 minutes. Chop onion and garlic. In a frying pan heat olive oil and butter, and then put choped onion and garlic into the pan. Fry that 1/5 mushrooms with them. Add wine and boil it until it vaporizes. Then add mushrooms with soup, litlle by little, until you get wanted density. Put salt, pepper and parsley. At the end add sour creme, and mix it until you get wanted density. Bon appetite!

Moderne domaćice znaju da se snađu... ///// Modern houseviwes know how to manage...

Valjalo bi još jednom nazdraviti za dobro (smazano) jelo... //// It`s good to toast once again for well prepared (and eaten) meal...

Uuuu daaaa, ovo je jedina prilika kada ćemo stići i nokte da nalakiramo... ////// Oooooh yeeeeah, this is the only opportunity to colour our nails (since we are in a lack of time)...

.. a ne valja kući otići bez dezerta... //// ... and it`s not good to go home without a dessert...

.. detalji.... /// ....details...

.. i onda puuuuno razgovora, i smeha...



and then lots and lots of conversations and a good laugh... I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend off i tradicionalno srpsko venčanje /////////// Weekend off and a traditional Serbian wedding

Month number 3, Task 2

Tema ovog posta je odlazak u Novi Kneževac, malu varošicu na severu Vojvodine, rodno mesto mog momka. Glavni junaci smo upravo nas dvoje. Dugo nismo negde zajedno putovali, pa koristimo priliku da i od posete njegovih roditelja i drugara napravimo veliki događaj i avanturu. Svaki doživljaj zavisi od toga kako vidiš stvari oko sebe.

Odmah na početku smo "prošetali" nove naočare :)


Subject of this post is our visit to Novi Kneževac, a small town on North of the region Vojvodina (where I live), birth place of my boyfriend. The main characters are the two of us. We haven`t traveled together for a long time now, so we use every opportunity to make a big happening or event, even from the visit of his parents and friends. Every experience depends on the way you see things.

Right at the beginning we "walked" our new glasses :)

Prizori u nekim delovima Vojvodine su divni. Mnogima je dosadno da gledaju ravnice i poljane koje čine bogatstvo Vojvodine, ali prema ovakvom nizu drveća koje kao zavesa štiti put, niko ne bi mogao da ostane ravnodušan. /////// Sceneries in some part of Vojvodina are magnificent. It`s a flat region of Serbia, and many people are bored to look all the plains and valleys while driving, but to this row of trees that has protected the road like some curtain, nobody could stay indifferent.

Prvo smo svratili do momkove bake, u selo Padej, od svega oko 3000 stanovnika. A tamo prava seoska idila... ///// First, we dropped by to my boyfriends grandma, to the village of Padej, with only about 3000 inhabitants. And there we saw a real village perfection...

... drva se već spremaju za zimu... //////... billet is already prepared for the winter... 

.. na selu nije važno kako iskombinuješ odeću. Važno da je udobno... ////// ... on village is not important how you combine your clothes, as long as it is comfortable...

... potom smo se pridružili svatovima... Prvo se uz muziku išlo po mladu... //// .. and then we joined the wedding... First, with music we went for a bride...

... mladoženja je tremu smirivao pevajući i veseleći se od samog početka. Pravi domaćin! .... ////// .. the groom managed the nervousness by singing and dancing from the sole beginning. A real host!

... posle toga, ceremonija se nastavila u crkvi. Ispred koje je baš bila gužva :) ////// ... after that, the ceremony continued at church. In front of which it was really crowded :)

.. i onda smo se zaputii na slavlje... /////.. and than we went to the wedding party...

... od 400 zvanica! Dok su neki igrali i pevali... ////// ... of 400 guests! While some were dancing and singing...

... drugima je bilo zanimljivije ispod stola :) ///// ... to others it was more interesting under the table :)

... jedna pozerska slika za moju omiljenu fashion bloggerku taktata.... //// ... one posing photo for my favourite fashion blogger taktata...

.. i primetila sam da su na slavljima sada hit punđe i ostale slične elegantne frizure, nasuprot puštenoj kosi. ///// ... and I noticed that on festives all kinds of updo hairstyles are more popular than "free falling" haircuts.

Šta vi mislite? //// What do you think?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Family time i "otprilike" testo (nasuvo) sa krompirom ////// Family time and traditional Serbian "around" pastery with potatoes


Onaj osećaj kada se odseliš od roditelja, pa ceniš svaki jednostavan trenutak proveden sa njima. I ne treba ti nikakav poseban sadržaj, dovoljno je da svako radi svoje, ali si ti srećan što ste zajedno. Mogu reći da sam u ponedeljak provela baš lep dan sa svojima, a kada biste pitali "pa šta ste to radili?", ja ne znam da li bi objašnjenje zvučalo dovoljno zanimljivo da nastavite da čitate.


That feeling when you move out from your parents house, and then you cherish every moment spent with them. And you don`t need any special activity, it`s sufficient that everybody is doing their own business, and you are happy that you are together. I could say that I spend a wonderful Monday with my family, and if you asked "what did you do?", I wouldn`t know if the explanation sounded interesting enough for you to continue reading.

U kući miris ljiljana koje je mama dobila za skorašnji rođendan... ////// A scent of lillies from my mother`s previous birthday....

... tata u svojoj redovnoj pozi... ////// .. .daddy in his regular position....

Sestra za kompjuterom, njena kuca Nuška ispod stola dremka, a mama sa kanom na kosi u kuhinji završava čorbu. I naravno, kao po običaju, ispunjava želje. Ovaj put to je bilo moje omiljeno jelo iz detinjstva - testo (nasuvo) sa krompirom. Od kada smo se sestra i ja odselile, jednom nedeljno dolazimo na veliki vikend-gala ručak, kad nas mama iz nedelje u nedelju iznova iznenađuje svojim kulinarskim umećima. Testo sa krompirom je suviše prosto i obično jelo da bi zadovoljilo hedonistička očekivanja od pomenutog vikend ručka. I tako prođe već skoro godinu dana tih ručkova, i ja shvatih da je prošlo i duplo više a da nisam jela svoje omiljeno jelo. A sećam se subota iz detinjstva (pa i kada sam "malo porasla", pa se posle izlaska budim u vreme ručka), i svoje sreće kada vidim testo na stolu. Ili maminog ozarenog lica kada pred vikend pita "šta hoćete da vam napravim za vikend?", a ja kao iz topa "teto sa krompirom". Pa onda njenog blago rastuženog lica i rečenice "pa, mislila sam nešto konkretnije".


Sista is by the computer, her puppy Nuška is napping under the table, and mom with a dye on her hair in the kitchen is finishing the soup. And of course, as usual, is making our wishes come true. This time it was my favourite dish from the childhood - pastery with potatoes. Since my sis and I have moved, once a week we are coming to parents house for a weekend gala lounch, when, from week to week, mom is surprising us with her culinary virtues. The pastery is too simple and common dish to satisfy the hedonistic expectations from the previously mentioned lunch. And so a year has passed of those lunches, and I figured that it has passed a double more that I haven`t eaten my favourite dish. I remember Saturdays from my childhood (and when I "grew up a bit", and when I was waking up for lunch after the Friday night), and my happiness when I saw the pastery at the table. Or mom`s delighted face before the weekend, when she was asking "what do you want me to cook you for the weekend?", and me answering without hesitation "testo sa krompirom (name in Serbian)". And then her sad face and a sentence "I was thinking something more concrete".

LM, to prejednostavno, tradicionalno, polusirotinjsko srpsko jelo izgleda ovako: //////// Btw, that simple, traditional Serbian dish looks like this:

Dobro je da sam stigla da ga islikam, jer je ubrzo situacija bila sledeća: ///// It`s good that I managed to photograph it, cause soon the stituaton was like this:

Ukoliko biste voleli da ga spremite, ovo je recept. (I kao što to nalažu recepti iz tradicionalne mamine ili bakine kuhinje, najomiljenija mera sastojaka je "otprilike" ili "oko" ili "prstohvat"). I zato ću recept nazvati "Otprilike" testo sa krompirom.

Potrebno vam je:
4 krompira
2 jaja
1 luk
aleva paprika
ulje, voda

Iseckati krompir na kockice i bariti u dosta vode, u većem loncu (ovo je bitno, jer se posle tu stavlja testo). Umutiti 2 jaja sa pola kašičice soli i 1dl vode. Dodavati brašno "otpilike", dok se ne dobije tvrđe testo. Na brašnom posutu dasku oklagijom istanjiti testo ("otprilike" do 1mm), pa seći na kaiševe "otprilike" oko 2x4cm. Kada je krompir skoro gotov, ubaciti i testo u vodu. Pre toga svako parče testa razvući još malo. Skloniti sa vatre kada testo počne da pliva po površini. U dublji tiganj (ili šerpu) sipati "otpriike" 3 kašike ulja, iseckan luk i propržiti. Potom dodati alevu papriku ("otprilike" jednu kašičicu). Potom usuti testo sa krompirom, i sve zajedno propržiti. Staviti so ili vegetu po ukusu.


If you would like to prepare this dish, this is the recipe. (And as it is always the situation with traditional dishes form mom`s/gradnma`s kitchen, measures for the ingredients are "around", "pinch", etc. ) That`s why I`ll name this recipe "around" pastery with potatoes.

U`ll need:
4 potatoes
2 eggs
1 onion
ground paprika
vegeta (mixture od spices)
oil, water

Cut the potatoes and boil it in lots of water in a bigger hotpot (you`ll need it afterwards for the pastery also). Mix two eggs with half a teaspoon of salt and 1dl of water. Add flour until the pastery becomes hard and thick. On a flour sprinkled surface you make a thin pastery ("around" 1mm), and then cut small pieces "around" 2x4 cm. When the potatoes are almost done, add the pastery into the water. Before putting them in the water, make each cut part even thiner. Take the hotpot from the oven when you see that the pastery is at the surface of the water. In a deeper fryingpan (or a pan) you put "around" 3 spoons of oil and cutted onion and fry it. Then you add ground paprika ("around" 1 teaspoon). Then you add the potatoes and pastery into the pan, and fry it all together. Put salt or vegeta.

Onda obavezna dnevna doza najboljeg suncokreta na svetu: ///// And the obligatory dose of  the best sunflower seed:

A kada sam se lepo najela, otišla sam do dugogodišnje komšinice na trećem spratu, koja je prevremeno dobila blizance Anu i Vuka. I taj događaj u potpunosti odgovara naslovu ovog posta, ali i temi ovog meseca, jer sa njom definitivno nikada nisam čuvala njenu decu :) To su najveći borci koje sam upoznala. Rođeni su sa sedam meseci i van maminog stomaka žive već više od mesec dana, iako su u njemu trebali da budu još 20 dana.


And when I ate well, I went to the neighbour at the 3rd floor, who prematurely gave birth to wonderful twins Vuk and Ana. That event completely suits well to the subject of this post, as well as to the topic of this month, because with her I definitely have never look after her children :) Those are the biggest fighters I have ever met. They were born in their 7th month, and for more than a month, they have been living out of mother`s belly, even though they were supposed to be there for 20 more days.

Jako, jako su mali, pa nisam smela odmah da ih držim, ali je mlada mama imala dovoljno poverenja da mi Vuka nenadano tutne u ruke. Naravno, ja sam ga uvatila nezgrapno i puna straha, kao da se ne radi o živom biću. Ruka mi se ukočila još pre nego što sam ga uzela u naručje. A onda smo našli pogodnu pozu, i shvatila sam da to uopšte nije tako strašno, pa sam se zanela i držala ga barem 15 minuta. To je izgledalo ovako:


They are really, really small, so I didn`t dare to hold them, but a young mother had enough trust in me and suddenly she put Vuk into my hands.  Of course, I took him awkwardly and full of fear, like he`s not a living being. My hand was stiff even before I took him in my arms. And then we found a good position, and I realized that it`s not that hard at all, so I carried away, and hold him for at least 15 minutes. It looked like this:

I molim bez komentara o tome kako mi stoji :) ////// And please without comments of how well he suits me :)

Do sledećih jednostavnih, a ispunjenih momenata sa dragim ljudima, ostajte mi dobro... ////// Until next simple, fullfilled moments with my dear people, stay well...