Friday, December 7, 2012

Boogieman, children thieves and others from that gang ///////// Babaroga, kradljivci dece i ostali iz te ekipe

Month number 9, Task 2

Skoro sam sa momkom pričala o strahovima koje smo imali kad smo bili mali. Ni jedan ni drugi nismo nikad čak ni pomislili na nešto kao npr. Babarogu. Mene nisu plašili ni priče o njoj, ni filmovi, niti zastrašivanja. 

Sećam se da je kod sestre palila on klasična priča o ljudima koji idu ulicom i koji kradu malu decu ako neće da jedu. I ti ljudi su uvek bili neki "cigani"?! (Diskriminacija od ranih nogu or what?!) Elem, ja čak ni posle tih priča nisam htela da jedem. Hranu meni uterati u usta, bio je baš izazov :)

Momak kaže da se bojao nekakvog čudovišta za koje je verovao da živi u njegovom podrumu. Nije to bila Babaroga, niti je uopšte mogao da objasni njegov izgled, već samo osećaj da tu živi i da čeka samo njega. I pokušavao je on da odstrani taj strah, ali svaki put kada je izlazio napolje, bacio bi pogled na podrum i osećao kao da ga posmatra. Ili da samo njega čeka. I tako se moj junak hrabrio i hrabrio da se suoči sa njim, jer je video da od čekanja nema vajde. Skupi on hrabrost jedan dan, stisne dupe i otrči u podrum. Kad je otvorio vrata, viknuo je na sav glas: "Šta je? Ajdeee.. Ne možeš mi ništaaaaa." Mali on, sa 5-6 godina. A kaže da bi baš bila fora da je tada tu bio jedan lokalni čovek- lutalica, koji je običavao da ulazi u tuđe podrume da se ugreje... (I ako iz ovoga prethodnog niste zaključili da je moj moma još od malih nogu bio jedan neustrašivi i proaktivan deran, onda... pročitajte još jednom, ali pažljivije... :) ).

A ja sam imala ovaj strah: bila sam ubeđena da mene i sestru neko gleda noću dok spavamo. Inače smo živeli na prvom spratu, jedno 15m iznad zemlje, gde je bilo nemoguće da neko stoji na merdevinama i gleda nas kroz prozor, kao što sam ja zamišljala. I tako taj "neko" gleda kroz prozor, i ako vidi da se neka od nas dve pomera dok spava, shvatiće da tu nekog ima, ući će i... Taj sledeći deo nisam ni razradila, ali dovoljno je strašno bilo da neki stranac upadne u moju sobu. Zbog svega toga nikako nisam mogla da zaspim, ali sam se terala da se ne pomeram, jer "ne sme da vidi da tu nekoga ima". A znate ono kada razmišljate o tome kako da se namestite u krevetu, pa vam onda k'o za inat svaka poza dođe nezgodna. I baš morate da se okrenete! Pa onda ja kažem sebi da brojim do 10, pa ću se naglo okrenuti i suočiti sa tim da li nekoga ima na prozoru. 1, 2, 3... 10.. ajde još jednom... 1, 2, 3... 10... ajde sad do 20... I tako neko vreme, dok ne presečem i naglo pogledam u prozor. Kada se uverim da nema nikoga, sa dubokim izdahom se bacim nazad u krevet, i zaspim otprilike kao Mr Bean kad je brojao ovce :)


Recently I was talking with my BF about the fears we had when we were little. None of us had feared from eg. famous Boogieman. I wasn`t scared of the stories about it, neither the movies, neither the intimidation of others with this creature.

I remember that my sister was afraid of the stories about the people who are wandering round the streets and are stealing little children who don`t eat. And those people were always the gypsies?! (Discrimination from the early ages or what?) Btw, even after those stories, I didn`t want to eat. To put food into my mouth was a proper mission :)

My BF says that he was afraid of some kind of a creature which was living in his basement. It wasn`t a Boogieman, and he couldn1t even explain the way he looks, but just the feeling that somebody is living there and is waiting just for him. And he was trying to get rid of that fear, but every time when he was going out, he looked at the basement, and he always felt as if someone is watching him. And as if someone is waiting only for him in that basement. And so my hero was encouraging himself from day to day, cause he realized that there`s no use of waiting. So, he caught a strength one day, and went straight to the basement.  He opened the door, and screamed from the top of his lungs: " Whaaaat?! Come oooon. What are you waiiiitiiiing foooor? I`m heeeereeee!" Little him, of 5-6 age. And he says that it would be interesting that one local vagabundo was there, who had a habit to go into people`a basements to warm himself... (And if you haven`t noticed from the previous mentioned what a fearless and proactive lad my BF is, then... Read again, more carefully :) ).

And I had this fear:  I was convinced that somebody is watching me and my sister while we are sleeping. Btw, we were living on the 1st floor, at least 15 above the ground, and it wasn`t possible at all that somebody could climb the ladder and watch us through the window, as I believed. Anyway, that "someone" is watching through the window, and if some of us two moves, he`ll notice that someone is in there, and he will.. Well, I didn`t work on that one, but it was enough fearful that some stranger could come into my room. And from all that I couldn`t fall asleep, but I was forcing myself not to move, because he`ll notice that somebody is in there. And you know that moment when you just can`t find the right position in the bed, and exactly then you must toss and turn all the time. Then I say to myself to count to 10, and then to turn around quickly and look at the window, whether somebody is there or not. 1, 2, 3... 10.. another turn... 1, 2, 3... 10.. now count to 20.. And I was doing like that for a while, until I suddenly cope, get up and look at the window When I`m convinced that there`s nobody there, with a deep exhale I fall back into bed, and fall asleep like Mr Bean when he was counting sheep :)

Sestra i ja smo imale neki strah da smo nezaštićene ako m i t zatvore vrata od naše sobe dok spavamo. Godinama smo spavale sa otvorenim vratima od naše i njihove sobe, dok je njihovo hrkanje otprilike bio mio zvuk, koji je ukazivao da su tu i da nam niko ne može ništa. Takav "mili zvuk" je baš pravi dokaz da je sve u našim glavama, ha?

Naravoučenije cele priče:

Ako neko pored vas hrče, vi zamišljajte kako je to znak da vam pored njega ne može niko ništa, i lakše ćete zaspati :)

PS - Čega ste se vi plašili?


Sister and me had a fear that we were unprotected when Mom and Dad were closing the door of our room, while we were sleeping. For years we were sleeping with both our and their doors closed, while their snoring was like a sweet sound that was a sign that they were there and that nobody can do us no harm. That kind of  "sweet sound" is a proof that everything is in our heads, right?

The main conclusion of the whole story:

If somebody next to you is snoring, you imagine that it`s a sign that nobody can do you no harm, and you`ll fall asleep more easily :)

PS - What were your fears?


  1. Ja sam pod krevetom imala srebrnu lisicu, koja je samo cekala da mi ivire ruka ili noga pa da ih odgrize. A onda sam procitala Brema Stokera..XD

    1. E daaa. I meni je tu cucalo neko cudoviste koje ceka da mi padne ruka :)

    2. I ja sam imala taj strah da mi ne izviri ruka, jer bi je obavezno ščepalo neko zastrašujuće biće -> trauma od filma "Ne tupi, Frede" (ko je gledao?)

      Takođe sam noću ako mi se, ne daj bože, išlo u wc, hodala leđima uza zid jer sam duuugo imala trip da je neko iza mene i nisam smela da se okrenem.

  2. Strah je za mene jedan veliki problem!
    Kad god svi oko mene spvaju, ja sigurno necu zapati zbog straha..

    Osvoji nakit >> GIVEAWAY <<

  3. uh..oduvek sam se bojala nestanka struje a ja sama kuci...i to jos uvek traje

  4. Ja se nešto ne sjećam da sam se nećega plašila. Obino je to odmah prolazilo. Sjećam se samo da sam jedan ružni san sanjala, o nekom vuku koji hoće da me pojede. I to sam često sanjala. I onda sam se bojala tog vuka :D

    1. Dobro je da ne zivis u sumui :)

    2. Blizu moje kuće je bila šuma. I ja sam mislila da me taj vuk gleda iz nje :D

  5. "If somebody next to you is snoring, you imagine that it's a sign that nobody can do you no harm, and you`ll fall asleep more easily :)"- that's so true ! Although, I was irritated by my father's snoring yet, that also gave me a secure and safe feeling, just as you have mentioned here. In childhood, I was quite fearless...I was not afraid of the dark...or anything..but I had terrible dreams of Dracula [ because I was reading Dracula comics then :)) and I was afraid then..I used to hold my mom tightly and sleep. But after my brother was born, I was shifted to a different bed with him { 3-4 years later }, and I don't remember how I coped then, even if I had those terrible dreams:)) maybe the dreams went away after that..or my father's snoring made me feel safe..
    Very cute and innocent description of childhood realities, keep it up !
    Loved reading about your boyfriend's encounter with the "unknown' too !
    take care,

    1. Thanks for your profound observations, as always :*

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  7. Ja sam se bojao da ne postanem ovo što sam postao. :p

    1. Joj, bre Dajdzo. Pa tvoji najgori snovi su ti se obistinili. Nije ni tebi lako :)

  8. Joooj, sto si luda :) A mislis na onu liju iz Laku noc deco? Gde je bila i ona neka kamila?
