Month number 9, Task 1
Koliko smo samo puta ponovili ovu rečenicu kad smo bili mali... Pao je mrak, treba se na unutra - još samo 5 minuta. U gostima smo porodično, ja se zaigrala sa drugaricom, a vreme je da se ide kući - još samo 5 minuta. Vreme je za spavanje, a ja se opet zaigrala - još samo 5 minuta. Pa onda ne možeš da dočekaš da se probudiš, kako bi nastavio sa igrom.
Ranije su se svi igrali napolju. Lastiš, Vije, Žmurke, Janjine, Klikeranje, Care care gospodare, Između dve vatre, Ide maca oko tebe... Pa još kad nam se priključi neko od starijih u npr. Između dve vatre, i onda se takmičimo ko će u "jači tim". A i kad se biraju timovi, pa moliš Boga da ne ostaneš među poslednjima, jer ćeš se baš rastužiti i osećati neželjenim.
Pa kada zapneš i padneš i PONOVO dobiješ krastu. Možda ti automatski i krene suza, ali ti odmah ustaješ i nastavljaš dalje, jer ti u glavi odzvanja ono mamino utešno "Ma, nije to ništa. Deca i trebaju da padaju. Zarašće ti..." I hoće! I trebaju da padaju deca. Ustaće i nastaviće dalje! I iz svog iskustva će naučiti kako sledeći put da pažljivije trče, a ne iz nekih tuđih priča.
Kao što rekoh, ranije smo se puno igrali napolju. Ali, meni nikada nije bilo dosadno ni unutra, samoj sa sobom. Naravno, kompjuter tada nije ni postojao. Divan dan je bio kada sam dobila mali kasetofon, pa sam mogla da puštam kasete i pravim koreografije, zamišljajući da sam na koncertu. A kada budem kažnjena pa ne smem napolje, nije ni to problem. U nedostatku drugarica, razapeću lastiš na dve stolice i one će mi zameniti ostale saigrače. Onda je tu faza kada već hoću da se igram mame ili učiteljice sa mlađom sestrom. Naravno, ja sam učiteljica, a ona đak. Pa sve na kućnoj tabli zadajem zadatke, a ona se pita kada ćemo završiti sa tom dosadnom igrom.
Pa onda dođu rođendani... Joooj, koliko mogućnosti. Ogovaranje, televizija, kompjuter - šta je to? Neeee.. Ima toliko igrica. Masne fote, Zanimljiva geografija, Ne ljuti se čoveče, Monopol, igranje Lambade ili šta je već u koje veme bilo popularno. Još kada su pre toga roditelji slavljenika pripremili tombolu, pa ti još na tuđem rođendanu dobiješ poklon!!
A danas? Kakvo je detinjstvo današnje dece? Poznajem nekoliko mladih majki koje gotovo svaki dan peru pod, brišu prašinu i sl., jer nije higijenski zbog deteta!!! I to Domestosom! A napolje dete ne ide baš puno, da se ne bi prehladilo. Da budem iskrena, ni nema sa kim tamo da se druži, jer je prazno. I tako se onda pitaju zašto su deca danas toliko bolešljiva. Pa možda zato što nemaju prilike gde i kako da postanu otporna na bakterije?! A ne d`o Bog da dete negde pokupi krastu! Iju, umreće!
O kompjuterima, Pink kulturi, celovečernjim izlascima već u osnovnoj školi, neću ni da pričam... No, da ne bih sada iz nostalgije previše počela da kritikujem današnje detinjstvo, bolje da vam na pozitivan način podstaknem nostalgiju..
Ovako smo se mi igrali:
*Note: I don`t know if people from outside the Balkans are acquainted with all the children games from the photos below, but I`ll be happy to explain them to the ones interested. And to hear about the games you were playing when you were young...
How many time did we repeat this sentence from the subject when we were young... It`s getting dark, I should get inside - 5 more minutes. With my parents I`m at their friends` house, I`m playing with other children, but it`s time to get home - 5 more minutes. It`s time for bed, but I want to play a little bit more - 5 more minutes. And then you can`t wait to get up, to continue with playing.
When we were young, the children were outside all the time. Hide and seek, Marbles, French skipping and other outdoor games. And when someone older join us, and then you compete to be in his/her team. And when teams are being made, and you pray to the Lord to be picked by someone, and not to stay among the last ones, because you`ll feel rejected and not wanted.
And when you stumble and fall, and you get a scrape AGAIN. Maybe automatically a tear goes down, but you are getting up and continuing, because in your head you have a mother`s conforting "It`s nothing serious. Childen fall very often and get scrapes. It will heal!" And it will. Children should fall and get scrapes. They`ll get up and go on. And they will learn from their own experience how to run more carefully, and not just from the stories of the adult.
As I`ve said, we were playing outdoors a lot. However, I was not bored when I was in the house, all by myself. Of course, the computer didn`t exist back then. A lovely day was when I got a cassette player, so I could play all my favourite artists and make coreographies, as if I was at the concert stage. And when I was grounded and was forbidden to go out, it`s not a problem. Instead of other players in French skipping, I`ll use two chairs and put french elastics around them. Then comes the phase of playing moms and daughters, or teachers, with a younger sister. Of course, I`m a teacher. And while I`m giving the assignments on the chalkboard, the sister`s wondering: when does this boring game end?
And then came the birthday parties. Computers, television, gossiping - what`s that? Nooo.. There were so many games that we could played. Spin the bottle, Monopolly, dancing Lambada or what else music was popular then. And when parents of the birthday child had prepared a bingo for the party, so you get a present on somebody else`s birthday!! Could it get any better?
And today? What is the childhood like today? I know so many young mothers who are dusting and cleaning floors every day, because otherwise it`s not hygienic for the child. They do that with Domestos or something like that, every day! And the child is not going outside very much, so that it doesn`t catch a cold. To be honest, even if the child is getting out, it wouldn`t have anyone to play with. And then they are wondering why the children of today are so weak and sick all the time. Maybe because they don`t have the opportunity to get adapted to all the bacteria. And God forbid if they het a scrape sometimes. Oh my God, they could die!
Of computers, Pink television (national kitch television) and culture, going out for the whole night at the age of 12/13, I don`t even want to start talking.. So, in order not to get to too critical from all the nostalgy, lets insent that nostalgy with something positive.
This is how we were playing:
And when you stumble and fall, and you get a scrape AGAIN. Maybe automatically a tear goes down, but you are getting up and continuing, because in your head you have a mother`s conforting "It`s nothing serious. Childen fall very often and get scrapes. It will heal!" And it will. Children should fall and get scrapes. They`ll get up and go on. And they will learn from their own experience how to run more carefully, and not just from the stories of the adult.
As I`ve said, we were playing outdoors a lot. However, I was not bored when I was in the house, all by myself. Of course, the computer didn`t exist back then. A lovely day was when I got a cassette player, so I could play all my favourite artists and make coreographies, as if I was at the concert stage. And when I was grounded and was forbidden to go out, it`s not a problem. Instead of other players in French skipping, I`ll use two chairs and put french elastics around them. Then comes the phase of playing moms and daughters, or teachers, with a younger sister. Of course, I`m a teacher. And while I`m giving the assignments on the chalkboard, the sister`s wondering: when does this boring game end?
And then came the birthday parties. Computers, television, gossiping - what`s that? Nooo.. There were so many games that we could played. Spin the bottle, Monopolly, dancing Lambada or what else music was popular then. And when parents of the birthday child had prepared a bingo for the party, so you get a present on somebody else`s birthday!! Could it get any better?
And today? What is the childhood like today? I know so many young mothers who are dusting and cleaning floors every day, because otherwise it`s not hygienic for the child. They do that with Domestos or something like that, every day! And the child is not going outside very much, so that it doesn`t catch a cold. To be honest, even if the child is getting out, it wouldn`t have anyone to play with. And then they are wondering why the children of today are so weak and sick all the time. Maybe because they don`t have the opportunity to get adapted to all the bacteria. And God forbid if they het a scrape sometimes. Oh my God, they could die!
Of computers, Pink television (national kitch television) and culture, going out for the whole night at the age of 12/13, I don`t even want to start talking.. So, in order not to get to too critical from all the nostalgy, lets insent that nostalgy with something positive.
This is how we were playing:
Sve preuzeto sa Dobra stara vremena
Jeste, jeste i jeste, potpisujem svaku tvoju recenicu. Odlicne fotke si odabrala, kad sam videla onu papirnu caralicu, nostalgicno sam se nasmejala :) Gde nam je tada mogao biti kraj, ulica je bila nase carstvo...
ReplyDeleteA gle danas. I oni mogu reci da im je ulica njihovo carstvo, ali u drugom smislu :(
DeleteJel' to matorimo pa postajemo nostalgicne ili mi se samo cini? :)
ReplyDeleteKolaricu Panicu ;)) NLJSC sam igrala na dnevnoj bazi a kad se samo setim koliko sam puta pala na glavu dok se vezbala Lambada..uhh..
Ma cini ti se, draga. Nemoj lupati svasta :)
DeleteIJU!! Sad si me tesko uvredila :))))))))))))))
DeleteAjde, ajde. Pa 20 godina i nije tako puno :)
DeleteJA svoju sestričinu "tjeram" da se tako igra :D Tačnije nju i sestrića (njenog brata) učim tim našim igricama, and guess what? They like it :D
ReplyDeleteBravo, bravo. Taman i ti imas izgovor da se ponovo poigras :)
DeleteLovely post , I am from 90's children so I know how fun it was to play hide and seek and monopolly :)
ReplyDeleteThis time for kids is weird , all just want to play video games or use internet. I love being old when the new kids tell me about their difficult xbox video games and racing games!
And you can give them some advice of how to play "real" games :)
DeleteNadam se da ces se prisetiti ovih igara sa tvojom decom.Slazem se potpuno sa tobom da je vas zivot bio socijalno zdraviji.
ReplyDeleteE ljudi, ovo je moja mama, koja me pustala jos samo 5 minuta :)
DeleteKako sam ja voljela tetris!!! I namučim se prošle godine, tražila i tražila i nađem u jednoj kineskoj radnji. Izgleda on isto, ali nije to to :(. Baš sam se bila razočarala.
ReplyDeleteDrugacijim ocima ga sad gledas :)
DeleteLovely post ! Brought back all those nostalgic childhood memories. Since we are almost of the same age group, so I can identify with a lot of what you are writing here.
ReplyDeleteHide and seek, marbles, french skipping -Yes,yes, and also ludo, snakes and ladders, musical chair, Chinese checker ?
And you are so right about this : "Children should fall and get scrapes. They`ll get up and go on" ...haha ! We were also told so!
Yes,there was no computer in those times, so went spent a lot of our time outdoors but were back home when the sun set.
Times have changed and how ! Children speak their minds now, they play games but more technical like video games on computer or mobiles, which I never played..and you are also right children are not getting adapted to bacteria that much because they lead an extra cautious life.
I wish that children are again introduced to old games, like we played -they might enjoy them !
take care,
Yes, we were playing Snakes and ladders and Musical chair. I don`t know about Ludo, but we use that word very often in everyday conversation. It means "crazy" :)
Deletei remember playing all these games! times have really changed, haven't they?
ReplyDeletethanks for linking up with Think Outside The Blog!
new follower, follow back? :)
I played most of those games!
ReplyDeleteI am your newest follower and I found you on the blog hop. I was hoping that you would visit my blog and follow me back!
Hey there. I`m already following :)
DeletePhotos of these old games brings back so many memories. I actually have a few of these games now that me and my husband play sometimes. Such as the monopoly game. Of course his name game of choice is the XBOX 360. lol.
ReplyDeleteIm one of your newest followers from the Harvest of Friends Weekend Blog Hop. I would love for you to follow me back and check my blog out!
We played many of these same games as kids & always asked if we could have 5 more minutes. Several years ago when working in childcare we would always tell the children "5 more minutes" before they had to clean up & transition to another activity or come inside from playing. I learned to do the same w/my kids as they were growing up. They believed they were given a special treat by hearing "5 more minutes" from mom. When in actuality they were receiving the same 30 minutes of play I originally promised. I would just tell them that after 25 minutes. Great post. Following from the Harvest of Friends hop.
Great post = great memoris
ReplyDeleteBe Creative Mommy
You take me back with the handmade fortune teller. I remembering making those. :) Thank you for joining the Getting To Know You blog hop and sharing.
ReplyDeleteJaoooj, one sto lupis pa se obmota oko ruke?