Month number 4, Task 1
Ovo sam ja u business izdanju. U pitanju su dve malo elegantnije varijante, a uskoro sledi i casual business kombinacija...
This is me in business outfit. The photos are about two more elegant combinations. Soon, I`ll post some more casual business combinations of mine...
Kao što se na slikama može videti, kada radiš u državnoj ustanovi, taj "business" stil ne mora nužno da podrazumeva odela, sakoe, visoke štikle i sl. "Business" kod nas podrazumeva slobodan i "kulturan" stil. Nije zabranjeno da dođemo i u patikama na posao, ali retko ko to radi. Kad malo bolje razmislim, ne znam razlog tome... Mada, prija činjenica da, kada dođu oni dani kada nemaš inspiraciju za usklađivanje odevnih predmeta, kada imaš osećaj "da nemaš šta da obučeš" i da bi najradije ostao u krevetu, ti možeš da se opustiš i uzmeš prvo što ti padne pod ruku. Onda iskoristiš pravo na povremeni "casual" momenat koji je dozvoljen u ovakvim ustanovama, pa čak i ako to podrazumeva da ti ispod pantalona vire neke elegantne patike.
Obzirom da radim sa mladima sa problemima u ponašanju, mišljenja sam da bi bilo besmisleno da ih dočekujem u odelu, jer u tom slučaju ode ono "ja sam ti prijatelj, želim da ti pomognem". Pre bih tako poslala poruku "hoću da sam autoritet i ima da me slušaš" :)
A kakva je Saskia na poslu? Ljudi koji me ne znaju u tom izdanju možda bi se iznenadili kada čuju da sam na poslu dosta ozbiljna, i ne uvek pozitivna. Ja bih rekla, realna i jaka. Kao student sam bila poznata po svojoj pozitivnoj energiji i uvek nasmejanom licu. Što možda moje kolege na poslu ne bi mogle da vežu za mene... Činjenica je da na poslu moraš biti profesionalan, efikasan i usmeren na ispunjavanje zadataka, pa valjda negde usput onda i zaboraviš da se često smešiš. Još kada si konstantno neispavan i susrećeš se sa hiljadu kojekakvih ograničenja koja prže krila tvog entuzijazma, osmeh se opet nekako stavi po strani.
No, uskoro ćete moći da se uverite da ja i dalje znam da uživam i da se iskreno smejem. U to ćete moći da se uverite već u sledećem postu, jer će u njemu za vas da izveštava Festival Saskia. Stay tuned!
As it can be seen on the photos, when you work in a public institution, that "business" style doesn`t necessarily mean that you wear suits, high heels etx. "Business" in my institution is connected to free and "well behaved" style. It`s not forbidden to come in sneakers, but rarely anyone does that. When I think better, I don`t know the reason for that... On the other side, it`s a good feeling when you know that, when "those" days come in which you don`t have the inspiration for creating the outfits, and when you feel that you "don`t have anything to wear" and that you would rather stay at home, you can relax and put on yourself the first that comes to your hand. Then you use your right to that "casual" moment which is sometimes allowed in your institution, even though it means that underneath your pants some sneakers are peeking.
Considering that I work with juveniles with disruptive behaviour, I think that it would be nonsensical to welcome them in a suit, because in that case it would be hard to have that "hello, I`m your friend, I want to help you". It would be more "I want to be the authority and I want you to obey" :)
And what is Saskia like at work? People that don`t know me in that version maybe will be surprised when I say that I`m rather serious, and not always positive. I would say, realistic and strong. When I was a student I was known for my positive energy and always a smiling face. Which is the thing that my coleagues probably couldn`t connect to me.. The fact is that you have to be proffesional, efficient and aimed to goals realizing, so you kind of forget to smile often somewhere on the way. And when you are constantly underslept and you meet thousands of limitations that burn wings of your enthusiasm, the smile is again left on aside.
However, soon you will be able to see that I still know how to enjoy and honestly smile. You will be able to find that out in my next post, when you`ll hear a report from a Festival Saskia. Stay tuned!
I love all your outfits, my favorite part was the pink ribbon earrings
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My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog
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I love these outfits, classic with a twist! The sandals in the second outfit are too fun! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Twirling Clare