Sunday, July 1, 2012

Friday night is great time for making a cake!

Month number 3, task 5

Nekada je petak veče bilo rezervisano za neke druge stvari, a sada je poslužilo za pravljenje torte. I doček rođendana moje drage drugarice Andree. Podjednako uživanje kao da smo izašle, a i trajalo je podjednako dugo. Da bismo dobile inspiraciju za ono što smo planirale, posegle smo za sangrijom...


Once was Friday night reserved for different things, but now it was reserved for making a cake. And for welcoming a birthday of my dear friend Andrea. Totally equal enjoyment as if we went out, and it lasted equally long. To get the inspiration for what we have planned, we reached for sangria...

Valjalo je napraviti tortu za njen rođendan. Jednostavnu i bez pečenja naravno, jer cilj je bio druženje, a ne kuvanje u kuhinji. U pitanju je voćno-plazmatična torta. Dobitna kombinacija! Može i recept:

800g plazme
4 jabuke
3 banane
2 pakovanja smrznutih malina
400 g šećera u prahu
1 margarin
Smarties bombonice

Istopiti margarin sa šećerom. Narendati jabuke i pomešati ih sa plazmom. Dodati umućeni margarin i malo šlaga. Staviti polovinu smese na tacnu. Preko nje poređati maline i iseckane banane. Prekriti drugom polovinom smese. Preliti šlagom. Ukrasiti smarties bombonama. Gotovo!


It was good to make a cake for her birthday. Simple and of course without baking, because the goal was to hang out and to have a good time, and not to summer cook in the kitchen. The cake in question is fruity plazmatic cake (Plazma is popular biscuit in Serbia, the ingredient every house have). It`s a winning combination. The recipe:

800g (Plazma) powder biscuit
4 apples
3 bananas
2 packages of frozen raspberries
400 g powder sugar
1 butter

Melt butter with sugar. Shred the apples and mix it with Plazma. Add melted butter and sugar. Add a little frosting into the mixture. Put half of the mixture on a plate. Cover it with cut bananas and raspberries. Cover it with other half of the mixture. Cover it with frosting. Decorate it with smarties. Done!

Detalji... ////// Details...

Ja sam ozbiljno bila svesna činjenice da je petak veče i baš sam zasela. Posle pravljenja torte i sati i sati priče, predložila sam da joj ofarbam koju šišarku, i doprinesem ukrašavanju njene savršene terase..


I was seriously aware of the fact that it was Friday night and therefore I really stayed for long. After making a cake and hours and hours of talking, I suggested her to colour some pinecones, and that way to make a contribution to decorating of her perfect balcony.

Sitnica... //// A small thing from me...

A onda je došao njen momak, koji je bio divan, pa nas sve te sate ostavio same. Bio je red i sa njim malo da popričam. Posle smo zaključili da je šteta što nisam i pidžamu ponela, pa i da odspavam kod njih, kad sam se već toliko zadržala :)


And then her boyfriend came, who was sweet enough to leave us alone for all those hours. I wanted to talk with him a bit, too. Afterwards we concluded that it was a pity that I hadn`t brought my pyjamas with me, so that I could sleep at their place at the end :)

1 comment:

  1. Super! Torta bas lepo izgleda! :) I detalji naravno ;)
