Friday, December 28, 2012

MTV in its golden era!

Month number 9, Task 4

Dok ne sastavim nastavak prethodnog posta, palo mi je na pamet još nešto što je bilo sastavni deo mog detinjstva. A to je MTV! Ne "Rihanna-Britney-Whistle baby MTV", već onaj iz kraja 80ih, početka 90ih. Onaj MTV, koji je bio meka dobre muzike i merilo kvaliteta! 

Dobila sam od druga ova dva videa, i baš sam se raznežila kad sam se prisetila svih tih voditelja i emisija:


Until I write the part 2 of my previous post, I remembered something else that was inevitable part of my childhood. And it`s MTV! Not "Rihanna-Britney-Whistle baby MTV", but the one from the end of the 80s, start of the 90s. The MTV which was mecca of good music and measure of quality!

I got these two videos from my friend, and I got all emotional when I remembered all the VJs and the shows:

VJ je tada bilo prestižno zvanje, i samo odabrani su bili dorasli toj ulozi. I naravno - postojao je samo jedan MTV za celu Evropu, ali sa pažljivo "multikulturalno" odabranim licima. 

Sećam se da su mi u osnovnoj školi zvonili drugari da izađem da se sa njima igram, a ja sam nekad morala da odbijem, jer je krenula emisija Hit list UK. Jer, ne saznati ko je te nedelje na prvom mestu, bilo je ravno katastrofi...


VJ was a prestigious occupation back then, and only a selected few were up for that role. And of course - there was only one MTV for the whole Europe, but with carefully selected multicultural faces.

I remember my friends ringing me to go out and play back in the elementary school days, and me rejecting them sometimes because on TV was Hit list UK. And not to find out who is on the 1st place that week, would be equal to catastrophe...

Ako želiš da se prisetiš nekih lepih hitova iz prošlosti, tu je bio Paul King:


If you want to remember some good hits from the past, there was Paul King:

... a ako želiš da se lepo nasmeješ i da vidiš najnovije nastupe i gostovanja, zna se - Ray Cokes:


... and if you want to take a good laugh and to see the hottest live acts and talks, it`s definitely for - Ray Cokes.

Za marku Braun sam prvi put čula preko MTV European Braun top 20. Takođe, i prve party hitove sam čula uz ludu Simone i emisiju Party zone, a ništa manja mi nije bila ljubav ni prema alternativnoj/indie muzici iz 120 minutes i Alternativne nation.

Pa onda moliš Boga da ne pada sneg ili kiša na satelitsku antenu, jer će pokvariti signal dok je na TVu tvoja omiljena voditeljka:


For BRAUN trademark I heard for the first time through MTV European Braun top 20. Also, my first party hits I heard from the crazy Simone in MTV Party zone show, and nothing less was my love for alternative/indie music in the shows 120 minutes and Alternative nation.

And then I prayed God not to give us snow or rain, because it will fall on the satellite dish and it will ruin the signal, while I`m watching my favourite VJ:

Da li ste vi voleli MTV? ////////////// Did you like MTV?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I can`t wait to do this again! ///// Ne mogu da dočekam ovo da ponovim!

Month number 9, Task 3

Znate onaj osećaj kada ste bili mali pa kada jedva čekate da ponovo uradite neku sitnu stvar u kojoj uživate, jer vam upravo ta repetivnost uliva sigurnost i smiraj? I to onda predstavlja svojevrstan ritual koji ne želite da menjate.

Na primer, kada smo bili u vrtiću, imali smo svega par ovakvih šolja sa dnom, i zvali smo ih "kraljevske" šolje. Uglavnom su nam davali šolje sa drškom, a par "kraljevskih" su dobijali oni kojima slučajno zapadnu deljenjem. Naravno, osoba kojoj zapadne "kraljevska" šolja imala je "kraljevski" tretman i posebno uvažavanje od ostale dece tokom celog dana.


You know that feeling when you were a child ans when you can`t wait to do some small things in which you enjoy over again, because exactly that repetitiveness gives you the security and peace? And that  represents a specific ritual which you don`t want to change.

For example, when I was in kindergarten, we had only a few mugs with the bottom like the ones on the photo. And we called them "the queen mugs". They were usually giving us the mugs without the bottom, and the few "queen" ones were given to children randomly. Of course, children who got the "queen mug" had the "queen" treatment the whole day, and special admiration from each of us.

Dok me je čuvala žena, naša čuvena Joka, momenat od posebne važnosti za mene svaki dan bio je da je gledam dok melje kafu. Pa kad je samelje usledi onaj divan i jak miris sveže kafe... Koju mi nikako nisu dali da pijem "jer je to za velike", pih! (A sada kada sam "velika" ja je ni ne pijem, jer mi nešto smeta! Još jedno "pih"!)


While one woman, our famous Joka, was taking care of us (when our parents were at work), a moment of special value for me every day was when she was grinding the coffee. And when she finishes the comes that wonderful strong smell of the coffee... Which, btw, I could never drink because it was for "the grown ups". (And now, when I`m a grown up, I don`t drink it, because it doesn`t go well on my stomach).

Onda dođe zimski raspust, pa sa tatom gledam prvenstva u skijanju.. I klizanju...


And then comes the winter holiday, and I`m watching skiing competition with my father. And ice skating...

Pa škole u prirodi i ekskurzije, gde čim stignem krenem da tražim razglednice, kako bih ih na vreme poslala roditeljima, bakama, dekama, i kako slučajno ne bih ja stigla pre njih.


Then school excursions.. And immediately when we arrive, I run to find the postcards for my parents and grand parents, so that they could get it on time. Because it would be a disaster if I arrive before the postcards...

A leto sam posebno volela i zato što sam mogla da nosim svoje nanulice, koje su imale štiklicu, pa su sve lupkale dok hodam. I onda su svi iznova mogli da "čuju" koliko sam ja velika, jer samo velike devojke nose štikle.


And I especially liked the summer, because I could finally wear my little high heels, and it could be heard when I`m passing the street, from all the clattering. And the everybody could "hear" all over again how grown up I am, because only big girls could wear high heels.

Pa dođe kraj avgusta, i obavezne pripreme za školu. Svake godine zna se šta me čeka: kupovina knjiga, spremanje peratonice (pernice), i to sve pod konac:


And then the end of August comes, and inevitable school preparations. Every year, I know what`s waiting for me: buying of the school books (we don`t get them at school!), and preparing of the pencil-case. And all of that very neat and in proper manner:

I obavezno da se na svaku svesku zalepi nalepnica, pa da napišem svoje ime na njih. Iz godine u godinu viši i viši razred, što me je podsećalo da sam sve starija. A ništa više tad nije moglo da me obraduje...


And of course on every notebook came one sticker, with my name on it, and the grade I was going to. From year to year higher and higher grade, which was a reminder that I was older. Nothing else could make me more happy than that fact...

Mi nismo imali uniforme, ali su baletanke bile obavezne. Čim dođeš u onu ogromnu školu, prvo što radiš je da se prezuješ u njih, pa tek onda možeš slobodno da bazaš po školi.. Po ČISTOJ zgradi škole!


We didn`t have uniforms, but these shoes were obligatory. We called them the "ballet shoes". Immediately when you came to a huge school building, first thing you were doing was to put these shoes on, and then you are free to run all over the building. Over the CLEAN school building!

A koji su to još bili moji rituali, čitajte uskoro u sledećem postu :)

Jel ste se prepoznali u nekoj od ovih navedenih aktivnosti?


And which else were my rituals, you can read in my next post :)

Did you recognize yourself in some of these activities?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Boogieman, children thieves and others from that gang ///////// Babaroga, kradljivci dece i ostali iz te ekipe

Month number 9, Task 2

Skoro sam sa momkom pričala o strahovima koje smo imali kad smo bili mali. Ni jedan ni drugi nismo nikad čak ni pomislili na nešto kao npr. Babarogu. Mene nisu plašili ni priče o njoj, ni filmovi, niti zastrašivanja. 

Sećam se da je kod sestre palila on klasična priča o ljudima koji idu ulicom i koji kradu malu decu ako neće da jedu. I ti ljudi su uvek bili neki "cigani"?! (Diskriminacija od ranih nogu or what?!) Elem, ja čak ni posle tih priča nisam htela da jedem. Hranu meni uterati u usta, bio je baš izazov :)

Momak kaže da se bojao nekakvog čudovišta za koje je verovao da živi u njegovom podrumu. Nije to bila Babaroga, niti je uopšte mogao da objasni njegov izgled, već samo osećaj da tu živi i da čeka samo njega. I pokušavao je on da odstrani taj strah, ali svaki put kada je izlazio napolje, bacio bi pogled na podrum i osećao kao da ga posmatra. Ili da samo njega čeka. I tako se moj junak hrabrio i hrabrio da se suoči sa njim, jer je video da od čekanja nema vajde. Skupi on hrabrost jedan dan, stisne dupe i otrči u podrum. Kad je otvorio vrata, viknuo je na sav glas: "Šta je? Ajdeee.. Ne možeš mi ništaaaaa." Mali on, sa 5-6 godina. A kaže da bi baš bila fora da je tada tu bio jedan lokalni čovek- lutalica, koji je običavao da ulazi u tuđe podrume da se ugreje... (I ako iz ovoga prethodnog niste zaključili da je moj moma još od malih nogu bio jedan neustrašivi i proaktivan deran, onda... pročitajte još jednom, ali pažljivije... :) ).

A ja sam imala ovaj strah: bila sam ubeđena da mene i sestru neko gleda noću dok spavamo. Inače smo živeli na prvom spratu, jedno 15m iznad zemlje, gde je bilo nemoguće da neko stoji na merdevinama i gleda nas kroz prozor, kao što sam ja zamišljala. I tako taj "neko" gleda kroz prozor, i ako vidi da se neka od nas dve pomera dok spava, shvatiće da tu nekog ima, ući će i... Taj sledeći deo nisam ni razradila, ali dovoljno je strašno bilo da neki stranac upadne u moju sobu. Zbog svega toga nikako nisam mogla da zaspim, ali sam se terala da se ne pomeram, jer "ne sme da vidi da tu nekoga ima". A znate ono kada razmišljate o tome kako da se namestite u krevetu, pa vam onda k'o za inat svaka poza dođe nezgodna. I baš morate da se okrenete! Pa onda ja kažem sebi da brojim do 10, pa ću se naglo okrenuti i suočiti sa tim da li nekoga ima na prozoru. 1, 2, 3... 10.. ajde još jednom... 1, 2, 3... 10... ajde sad do 20... I tako neko vreme, dok ne presečem i naglo pogledam u prozor. Kada se uverim da nema nikoga, sa dubokim izdahom se bacim nazad u krevet, i zaspim otprilike kao Mr Bean kad je brojao ovce :)


Recently I was talking with my BF about the fears we had when we were little. None of us had feared from eg. famous Boogieman. I wasn`t scared of the stories about it, neither the movies, neither the intimidation of others with this creature.

I remember that my sister was afraid of the stories about the people who are wandering round the streets and are stealing little children who don`t eat. And those people were always the gypsies?! (Discrimination from the early ages or what?) Btw, even after those stories, I didn`t want to eat. To put food into my mouth was a proper mission :)

My BF says that he was afraid of some kind of a creature which was living in his basement. It wasn`t a Boogieman, and he couldn1t even explain the way he looks, but just the feeling that somebody is living there and is waiting just for him. And he was trying to get rid of that fear, but every time when he was going out, he looked at the basement, and he always felt as if someone is watching him. And as if someone is waiting only for him in that basement. And so my hero was encouraging himself from day to day, cause he realized that there`s no use of waiting. So, he caught a strength one day, and went straight to the basement.  He opened the door, and screamed from the top of his lungs: " Whaaaat?! Come oooon. What are you waiiiitiiiing foooor? I`m heeeereeee!" Little him, of 5-6 age. And he says that it would be interesting that one local vagabundo was there, who had a habit to go into people`a basements to warm himself... (And if you haven`t noticed from the previous mentioned what a fearless and proactive lad my BF is, then... Read again, more carefully :) ).

And I had this fear:  I was convinced that somebody is watching me and my sister while we are sleeping. Btw, we were living on the 1st floor, at least 15 above the ground, and it wasn`t possible at all that somebody could climb the ladder and watch us through the window, as I believed. Anyway, that "someone" is watching through the window, and if some of us two moves, he`ll notice that someone is in there, and he will.. Well, I didn`t work on that one, but it was enough fearful that some stranger could come into my room. And from all that I couldn`t fall asleep, but I was forcing myself not to move, because he`ll notice that somebody is in there. And you know that moment when you just can`t find the right position in the bed, and exactly then you must toss and turn all the time. Then I say to myself to count to 10, and then to turn around quickly and look at the window, whether somebody is there or not. 1, 2, 3... 10.. another turn... 1, 2, 3... 10.. now count to 20.. And I was doing like that for a while, until I suddenly cope, get up and look at the window When I`m convinced that there`s nobody there, with a deep exhale I fall back into bed, and fall asleep like Mr Bean when he was counting sheep :)

Sestra i ja smo imale neki strah da smo nezaštićene ako m i t zatvore vrata od naše sobe dok spavamo. Godinama smo spavale sa otvorenim vratima od naše i njihove sobe, dok je njihovo hrkanje otprilike bio mio zvuk, koji je ukazivao da su tu i da nam niko ne može ništa. Takav "mili zvuk" je baš pravi dokaz da je sve u našim glavama, ha?

Naravoučenije cele priče:

Ako neko pored vas hrče, vi zamišljajte kako je to znak da vam pored njega ne može niko ništa, i lakše ćete zaspati :)

PS - Čega ste se vi plašili?


Sister and me had a fear that we were unprotected when Mom and Dad were closing the door of our room, while we were sleeping. For years we were sleeping with both our and their doors closed, while their snoring was like a sweet sound that was a sign that they were there and that nobody can do us no harm. That kind of  "sweet sound" is a proof that everything is in our heads, right?

The main conclusion of the whole story:

If somebody next to you is snoring, you imagine that it`s a sign that nobody can do you no harm, and you`ll fall asleep more easily :)

PS - What were your fears?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mom, can I stay five more minutes? Pleeeeeeease!!!

Month number 9, Task 1

Koliko smo samo puta ponovili ovu rečenicu kad smo bili mali... Pao je mrak, treba se na unutra - još samo 5 minuta. U gostima smo porodično, ja se zaigrala sa drugaricom, a vreme je da se ide kući - još samo 5 minuta. Vreme je za spavanje, a ja se opet zaigrala - još samo 5 minuta. Pa onda ne možeš da dočekaš da se probudiš, kako bi nastavio sa igrom.  

Ranije su se svi igrali napolju. Lastiš, Vije, Žmurke, Janjine, Klikeranje, Care care gospodare, Između dve vatre, Ide maca oko tebe... Pa još kad nam se priključi neko od starijih u npr. Između dve vatre, i onda se takmičimo ko će u "jači tim". A i kad se biraju timovi, pa moliš Boga da ne ostaneš među poslednjima, jer ćeš se baš rastužiti i osećati neželjenim.

Pa kada zapneš i padneš i PONOVO dobiješ krastu. Možda ti automatski i krene suza, ali ti odmah ustaješ i nastavljaš dalje, jer ti u glavi odzvanja ono mamino utešno "Ma, nije to ništa. Deca i trebaju da padaju. Zarašće ti..." I hoće! I trebaju da padaju deca. Ustaće i nastaviće dalje! I iz svog iskustva će naučiti kako sledeći put da pažljivije trče, a ne iz nekih tuđih priča. 

Kao što rekoh, ranije smo se puno igrali napolju. Ali, meni nikada nije bilo dosadno ni unutra, samoj sa sobom. Naravno, kompjuter tada nije ni postojao. Divan dan je bio kada sam dobila mali kasetofon, pa sam mogla da puštam kasete i pravim koreografije, zamišljajući da sam na koncertu. A kada budem kažnjena pa ne smem napolje, nije ni to problem. U nedostatku drugarica, razapeću lastiš na dve stolice i one će mi zameniti ostale saigrače. Onda je tu faza kada već hoću da se igram mame ili učiteljice sa mlađom sestrom. Naravno, ja sam učiteljica, a ona đak. Pa sve na kućnoj tabli zadajem zadatke, a ona se pita kada ćemo završiti sa tom dosadnom igrom.

Pa onda dođu rođendani... Joooj, koliko mogućnosti. Ogovaranje, televizija, kompjuter - šta je to? Neeee.. Ima toliko igrica. Masne fote, Zanimljiva geografija, Ne ljuti se čoveče, Monopol, igranje Lambade ili šta je već u koje veme bilo popularno. Još kada su pre toga roditelji slavljenika pripremili tombolu, pa ti još na tuđem rođendanu dobiješ poklon!!

A danas? Kakvo je detinjstvo današnje dece? Poznajem nekoliko mladih majki koje gotovo svaki dan peru pod, brišu prašinu i sl., jer nije higijenski zbog deteta!!! I to Domestosom! A napolje dete ne ide baš puno, da se ne bi prehladilo. Da budem iskrena, ni nema sa kim tamo da se druži, jer je prazno. I tako se onda pitaju zašto su deca danas toliko bolešljiva. Pa možda zato što nemaju prilike gde i kako da postanu otporna na bakterije?! A ne d`o Bog da dete negde pokupi krastu! Iju, umreće!

O kompjuterima, Pink kulturi, celovečernjim izlascima već u osnovnoj školi, neću ni da pričam... No, da ne bih sada iz nostalgije previše počela da kritikujem današnje detinjstvo, bolje da vam na pozitivan način podstaknem nostalgiju.. 

Ovako smo se mi igrali:


*Note: I don`t know if people from outside the Balkans are acquainted with all the children games from the photos below, but I`ll be happy to explain them to the ones interested. And to hear about the games you were playing when you were young...

How many time did we repeat this sentence from the subject when we were young... It`s getting dark, I should get inside - 5 more minutes. With my parents I`m at their friends` house, I`m playing with other children, but it`s time to get home - 5 more minutes. It`s time for bed, but I want to play a little bit more - 5 more minutes. And then you can`t wait to get up, to continue with playing.

When we were young, the children were outside all the time. Hide and seek, Marbles, French skipping and other outdoor games. And when someone older join us, and then you compete to be in his/her team. And when teams are being  made, and you pray to the Lord to be picked by someone, and not to stay among the last ones, because you`ll feel rejected and not wanted.

And when you stumble and fall, and you get a scrape AGAIN. Maybe automatically a tear goes down, but you are getting up and continuing, because in your head you have a mother`s conforting "It`s nothing serious. Childen fall very often and get scrapes. It will heal!" And it will. Children should fall and get scrapes. They`ll get up and go on. And they will learn from their own experience how to run more carefully, and not just from the stories of the adult.

As I`ve said, we were playing outdoors a lot. However, I was not bored when I was in the house, all by myself. Of course, the computer didn`t exist back then. A lovely day was when I got a cassette player, so I could play all my favourite artists and make coreographies, as if I was at the concert stage. And when I was grounded and was forbidden to go out, it`s not a problem. Instead of other players in French skipping, I`ll use two chairs and put french elastics around them. Then comes the phase of playing moms and daughters, or teachers, with a younger sister. Of course, I`m a teacher. And while I`m giving the assignments on the chalkboard, the sister`s wondering: when does this boring game end?

And then came the birthday parties. Computers, television, gossiping - what`s that? Nooo.. There were so many games that we could played. Spin the bottle, Monopolly, dancing Lambada or what else music was popular then. And when parents of the birthday child had prepared a bingo for the party, so you get a present on somebody else`s birthday!! Could it get any better?

And today? What is the childhood like today? I know so many young mothers who are dusting and cleaning floors every day, because otherwise it`s not hygienic for the child. They do that with Domestos or something like that, every day! And the child is not going outside very much, so that it doesn`t catch a cold. To be honest, even if the child is getting out, it wouldn`t have anyone to play with. And then they are wondering why the children of today are so weak and sick all the time. Maybe because they don`t have the opportunity to get adapted to all the bacteria. And God forbid if they het a scrape sometimes. Oh my God, they could die!

Of computers, Pink television (national kitch television) and culture, going out for the whole night at the age of 12/13, I don`t even want to start talking.. So, in order not to get to too critical from all the nostalgy, lets insent that nostalgy with something positive.

This is how we were playing:

Sve preuzeto sa Dobra stara vremena

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Top 5 confessions of mine

Month number 8, Task 6

1. Jaaaako sam analitična. Čak i kad spavam, ja u stvari dremam, jer mozak ne zna da miruje. Nije lako, verujte!


1. I am overanalytic. Even when I sleep, I`m actually napping, because my brain don`t know how to be still. It`s not easy, believe me!

2. Više volim ljude koji bi da se svađaju, ili koji imaju problem sa besom, od onih koji "izbegavaju konflikte". Ovi prvi su barem iskreni, iako previše...

3. Prilično volim sebe. Ponekad sa sve manama...


2. I even prefer people who like fighting or who are angry, to the ones who are "avoiding conflicts". The first ones are at least honest, even though too much...

3. I pretty much love myself. Sometimes with all the flaws...

4. Jaaako sam povredljiva. Vrlo često u stomaku već osećam fiziološku manifestaciju povređenosti, pre nego što i uspem da u glavi obradim uzrok. Znam da to nije dobro, i često za povređenošću nema ni potrebe, pa sam godinama uspela da barem u nekim situacijama ne pokažem "šta to osećam u stomaku" :)

5. Uporna sam i jaka u krizama. Momak kaže da imam višak muških hormona, a ja volim da mislim da sam tu snagu iz iskustva stekla.


4. I get hurt easily. Very often I feel physiological manifestation of feeling of hurt even before I manage to analyze in my head the cause. I know it`s not good, because often there`s no need to feel hurt, so by years I have managed to sometimes hide what I`m "feeling in the stomach" :)

5. I`m very strong and strong in crisis. My boyfriend says it`s because I have sufficiency of male hormons, but I like to think that I have gained that strength from the experience.

Na kraju ovog posta, vreme je da zadam sebi zadatak za sledeći mesec. Pošto mi je jako prijalo da se vratim u detinjstvo dok sam pisala ovaj post, tema sledećeg meseca će biti: DETINJSTVO. Plan mi je da se vratim u detinjstvo i pišem o svojim strahovima, omiljenim receptima, tajnama ili nečemu drugom sličnom za čim srce ište u datom trenutku. Nadam se da će vam se svideti...


At the end of this post, I should give myself the task for the next month. Since I was enjoying so much in going back to the childhood, while writing this post, the topic for next month will be: CHILDHOOD. The plan is to go back to my childhood and to write about fears, secrets, favourite recipes or anything else that my heart is yearning for in the moment of writing. I hope you`ll enjoy...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What I have learned this month...

1. Da u svojim tridesetim godinama retko ko može biti konstantno "cveće proleće", i da oni koji forsiraju takvu priču, obično puno toga skrivaju iza.

2. Da je vikend suviše kratak da bi ga proveli u dosadi! Baš kao i život!


1. That in one`s 30s barely who can be cheerful and smiling 24/7, and that the ones who are emphasizing such behaviour are usually hiding a lot behind it.

2. That weekend is too short to spend it in boredom. As well as the life!

3. Da mi jedan prirodan sok dnevno baš pomaže, po pitanju metabolizma i čišćenja organizma. Nije mi teško da ga ručno cedim, kada znam kakvo me čulno zadovoljstvo iščekuje. Moja dobitna kombinacija je: dve pomorandže i jedna grejp, bez razređivanja vodom. Voće obavezno držati u frižideru!


3. That one natural juice a day is really helping me, in good metabolism and organism cleansing. It`s not hard to squeeze it manually everyday, when I know what sense pleasure is waiting me. My winning combination is: two oranges and one grape. With no added water. Keep the fruit in the fridge to be more refereshing!

4. Da mi je muzičko otkriće ovog meseca definitivno stranica 8tracks, za koju sam saznala od jedne od mojih omiljenih blogerki Mali Iv. Napokon sam dobila priliku da sama kreiram svoje liste, dajem im simbolična imena i isto tako simbolične slike. Ovo je neka vrsta online Internet radija, na kojem sami kreirate svoju "stanicu", ili slušate tuđe, tražeći odgovarajuće tagove.

5. Da u životu nije sve baš "Bogom dano" i da ćemo pravu sreću postići ako prihvatimo tu činjenicu.


4. That my musical discovery of the month was definitely 8tracks page, which was recommended by one of my favourite bloggers Mali Iv. I have finally got the opportunity to create my own playlists, to give them symbolic names and pictures. This is kind of Internet radio, on which you create the station on your own, or you listen to other`s choices, by searching the chosen tags.

5. That in life not everything is "God given", and that real happiness we`ll earn only if we accept the latter said.

6. Da što smo stariji vreme zaista sve brže prolazi, te postaje sve bitnije kako provodimo te kratke trenutke.

Šta ste vi naučili ovog meseca?


6. That as older as we get, the time really passes faster, and it becomes more and more important how we spend those short moments.

What have you learned?