Sunday, January 27, 2013

The ABC of me (part 3 and 4) - some of my life philosophies

Month number 10, Task 3 and 4
(Note for English speaking friends: the serbian words are connected to the alphabet, so the English translation won`t exactly match)

K - karakter. Imati ga, održati i u skladu sa njim reagovati - pravo je umeće.


K - personality and coherence. To have one, to maintain it and to react based on it - that`s a real skill.

L - laik. Ne volim kada je neko laik za neku temu, a pravi se pametan i vodi glavnu reč.

LJ - naravno ljubav, ali i ljudi. Ponekad ih tako volim, ali nekad i žalim što nisam životinja.


L - a person who doesn`t know the basic facts about some topics, but is trying to be smart and wants to lead the main word.

LJ - of course love, and people. Sometimes I love people, but some days I regret of not being the animal.

M - moći, kao glagol. Kada veruješ da nešto možeš, u velikoj meri povećavaš šansu uspeha. Čak i kada ti deluje nemoguće, barem ćeš naći najbolje rešenje.

N - novine u životu. Ponekad plaše jer donose neizvesnost, ali gotovo uvek prijaju i omogućavaju napredak.

NJ - njanja. Ne volim kada su ljudi slabašni i kada im stalno nešto fali, stalno nešto kukaju, stalno im nešto nije dobro.


M - can, as a verb. When you believe that you can, you are increasing the chance of the success. Even it seems impossible, at least you`ll find the best solution.

N - new thing in life. Sometimes they frighten you because they bring uncertainty, but almost always they suit you and they are bringing a progress.

NJ - a person who can`t stop whining. I don`t like when people are constantly weak, when they`re constantly missing something or constantly don`t feel well.

O - oči. Ne idem toliko daleko da kažem da su "ogledalo duše", ali pogled puno toga govori. I oči su mi najlepši deo nečijeg lica.


O - the eyes. I don`t go that far by saying that "eyes are always a mirror to a soul", but the look can really say a lot. And the eyes are the most beautiful feature of the face.

P - promene. Baš ih volim. Ima i onih negativnih u životu, ali mislim da čak i u njima možemo nešto novo naučiti. Barem o sebi i svojim kapacitetima...


P - changes. I really like them. There are some negative changes in life, but I think that even in them we can learn something new. At least about ourselves and our own capacities...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The ABC of me, part 2

Month number 10, Task 2
(Note for English speaking friends: the serbian words are connected to the alphabet, so the English translation won`t exactly match)

E - eureka. Kao otkriće, "lampica". Imam ih na hiljade dnevno.

Ž - život. Srećna sam što ga imam i gledam da ga iskoristim najbolje što mogu, iako sam nekad ljuta na njega :)


E - eureka. As a discovery. I have one of those almost every day.

Ž - life. I`m happy to have one and I`m trying to use it the best I can, even though I`m sometimes angry with him :)  

Z - zafrkancija. Važan deo mog života.

I - istina. Moj najveći prijatelj, ali često i neprijatelj. Uglavnom je jača od mene, pa se ponekad borim da je sakrijem.


Z - joking. Inportant part of my life. 

I - the truth. My best friend, but sometimes the enemy, too. Mostly it`s stronger than me, so sometimes I have to fight to keep it down.

J - JA. Ako njega pronađeš i prihvatiš, ti si na konju!

J - myself. If you find it and accept it, you have everything.


PS - Ceo dan mi je na repeat ova uplifiting pesma... Uhhhh... 


PS - The whole day this uplifting song is on repeat... Uhhhh...


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The ABC of me

Month number 10, task 1
(Note for English speaking friends: the serbian words are connected to the alphabet, so the English translation won`t exactly match)

A - Aleksandra. Moje puno ime.

B - burno. To je pridev kojim bih opisala dosta događaja, ili barem mojih postupaka u životu.

V - voleti. I biti voljen. Možda zvuči kao otrcana fraza, ali meni je to zaista vrednost nr 1 u životu.

A - Aleksandra. My full name.

B - Turbulent. That`s the adjective that would well describe many of my life events, or at least my actions.

V - To love. And to be loved. It sounds maybe a bit cheezy, but it`s really value nr 1 in my life.
G - gomilanje. Gomilanje stvari, ideja, planova, fotki... Česta pojava u mom životu. Sva sreća da sam dobra sa organizacijom, pa kad zaškripi, mogu da napravim prioritete :)

D - Denis. Moja mila bubica, veselica. Čovek mog života!


G - Hoarding. Hoarding of things, ideas, plans, photos, etc. Luckily, I have good organizational skills, so I can make priorities when it becomes ugly :)

D - Denis. My dear cheerful little bug. The man of my life.

Đ - đak. Školovala sam se 17 godina. To je više od pola mog života!?

Đ - Student. I`ve been schooling for 17 years. That`s like more than a half of my life?!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I can`t wait to do this again, part 2 ///// Ne mogu da dočekam da ponovo to uradim, part 2

Month number 9, task 6

Part 1

Ona slatka repetitivnost radnji kad ste bili mali, koja vam uliva sigurnost i predstavlja ritual sam za sebe... Ritual kom se uvek rado vraćate! Ovo su još od nekih stvari koje sam volela da radim kad sam bila mala:

Da iznova ulazim u maminu ili bakinu kuhinju, pa da vidim šta to ima novo po fiokama...


That sweet repetitiveness of your actions when you were little, which gives you the security and represents one specific ritual.. The ritual to which you are always glad to come back! These are some of the things I liked to do when I was little:

To get into mom`s or grandma`s kitchen over and over again, to see what`s new in the drawers...

Da nosim svoju figuricu-amajliju na sve bitne događaje, jer mi se sreća smeši samo kad je ona uz mene...


To carry my lucky charm figurine with me to all big events, because luck was with me only when that figurine was...

Da izgrickam sve oko pomorandže, pa da onda najslađe ostavim za kraj...


To eat everything around the orange part, and than to leave the sweetest for the end...

Da popijem penu iz maminog ili tatinog piva.. Ko bi rekao da ga danas tako neću voleti? :)


To drink the foam from Mom`s or Dad`s beer.. Who would say that I don`t like beer that much now?

Da se uparadim za proslavu Nove godine, čak i ako ću je slaviti sa mamom i tatom i morati ići u krevet već oko 1h.


To be all dressed up for the New Year`s Eve, even when I celebrate it with my Mom and Dad, and have to go to bed around 1h.

Da se sa sestrom glupiram dok se slikamo, uprkos svim naporima roditelja da ispoziramo.


To make a fool of myself together with my sister while posing for the camera, in spite of all the effort of my parents to make us look serious.

Da jedem samo belo iz eurokrema...


To eat only the white part...

No comment...

Koji si bili vaši rituali kad ste bili mali? ////////////// What were your rituals when you were young?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sisters are a unique treasure!

Month number 9, Task 5

Kada sam ja rođena bila sam jedino dete u porodici. Pažena, mažena, centar sve pažnje.


When I was born I was the only child in the family. Centre of all the attention, loved, caressed, spoiled.

A onda je posle jedno 2,5 godine mama u kuću donela jedan presladak, pre vremena rođen smotuljak. Rekli su da je to moja sestra i sada su malo od sve one pažnje polako počeli i ka njoj da usmeravaju. Imitirala sam ih, radila ono što i oni: mazila je, hranila, gledala je i smejuljila se na pokrete njenih milimetarskih ručica.


And then one day, after about 2,5 years my Mom brought into the house one little sweet, prematurely born bundle. They said that it was my sister and now a little of all that attention they directed towards her. I was imitating them, doing all the things they did: hugged her, fed her, watched and smiled while she was moving her little hands.

No, nije bilo tako retko da uvatim priliku kada odrasli ne gledaju pa da joj stavim prst u oko, ili da je bacim na pod, onako svu nevinu i umotanu. Plakala sam posle znajući da sam uradila nešto zabranjeno, ali bilo je jače od mene. Posle je malo porasla, pa sam promenila taktiku: sada su morali i meni da daju sve što i njoj, da sa mnom rade sve što i sa njom. Ponovo sam počela da pijem mleko iz flašice, ako  krenu po krompir u podrum zajedno sa njom u rukama jer plače, odmah se i ja uvatim za drugu ruku.


Anyway, not so rarely, I was catching the opportunity when the grown-ups weren`t watching, to put a finger in her eye, or to throw her on the floor, that little and innocent bundle. I was crying afterwards knowing that I did something wrong, but it was stronger than me. Then she grown a bit older, and I changed a tactic: they had to give me everything they were giving to her, had to do with me all the things they did to her. I started to drink milk from the baby bottle again, if they were to go to the basement for eg, the potato and were carrying her in the arms because she was crying, I was immediately catching the other hand.

Sestra je počela da izrasta u jedno jako milo i mirno stvorenje, koje se nije bunilo ni za šta, i uvek je čekala da ja prva biram, pa njoj šta ostane. Jedno vreme je čak plakala sva tužna što nije bila dečak, pa je tražila da je šišaju na kratko.


My sister started to grown into one dear and caring girl, who wouldn`t mind anything, and was always waiting for me to choose first, and she was satisfied with the other thing left. In one period she was crying because she wasn`t born as a boy, so she wanted to have a boylike hair.

I ponekad nije mogla da dočeka da poraste, pa da doživi neke stvari kroz koje je njena starija sestra već prošla.


And sometimes she couldn`t wait to grow up and to experience some of the things her older sister has already tried.

Onda je došla jedna duga faza kada smo se puno zajedno igrale i kada sam shvatala šta to znači imati sestru, šta znači ne biti sam.


Than came one long phase when we were playing together and when I really became aware of what it means to have a sister, what it means not to be alone.

U svom pubertetu sam to ponekad zaboravljala, u situacijama kada čujem ono roditeljsko: "možeš da ideš, samo ako povedeš svoju mlađu sestru sa sobom"... No, to me je brzo prošlo, i onda sam jedva čekala da se tako sazrela družim sa svojom sestrom, sa njom da pričam i krijem tajne od mame i tate. Ali, đavola! Sada je došao njen pubertet i ona nije htela da ide bilo gde sa svojom starijom sestrom. Imala je svoje priče, svoje tajne i svoje faze. 


In my puberty sometimes I was forgetting about that, in the situations when my parents were like: "Ok, you can go, but only if you bring your younger sister with you".. Anyway, I got over that fastly, and than I couldn`t wait to hang out with my sister matured like that, to talk with her and to hide our secrets form Mom and Dad. But, no! Now her puberty came and now she was the one who didn`t want to hang out with her older sister. She got her own stories, her secrets and her phases.

No, ja sam strpljivo čekala da izađe iz te svoje faze, i od tada uspešno održavam svesnost da je imati sestru najveće blago koje neko može imati. Barem, dok ne dobiješ svoje dete :)


Anyway, I was patiently waiting for her to get out of that phase, and from than on I`m constantly aware of the fact that having a sister is the greatest treasure that one can have. At least until you have your own child :)

Čudno je to kako neko ko je po mnogim stvarima dijametralno različit od tebe, može toliko da ti bude blizak i da te razume i poznaje kao nijedna drugarica koju si sama birala.


It`s funny how someone who is so different from you, can be so close to you, know you and understand you like no other friend you have chosen for yourself.

Prošlo je dosta vremena, sa svim svojim fazama, a ja i dalje mogu reći da je moja sestra i moja najbolja drugarica. Znam tačno kada da je pustim jer želi da bude sama, a kada da zovem malo više jer je možda usamljena. I ona isto tako. Iako ponekad jedna radi stvari koje druga nikada ne bi, obe znamo da poštujemo naše različitosti i ne osuđujemo se.


It`s been a long time now, with all its phases, and I could still easily say that my sister is my best friend. I know exactly when to let her be by herself, and when to call her a bit more often because she maybe feels lonely. She does that also. Even though sometimes one is doing things the other one would maybe never do, we both know how to respect our differences and not to judge one another.

Moja sestra se nedavno udala, i polako zasniva svoju porodicu. Dinamika našeg odnosa se sa tim životnim promenama neminovno mora menjati, ali bliskost i povezanost ostaju, i niko ih ne može uništiti.

Volim te, Dando!


My sister has recently got married, and she`s slowly making her own primary family. The dynamics of our relatioship inevitably is changing because of that, but our closeness and bond are staying, and no one can destroy them.

I love you, Dando!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year`s glitter tag

Napokon da i ja budem tagovana, i to od Bitchy dust. Ima li boljeg tag-a :)


Finally I was to be tagged, and not from anybody else than from Bitchy dust. Is there a better tag or what :)

Eto prilike da me malo bolje upoznate...

1. Opišite kako je izgledala prva osoba u koju ste se zaljubili!
Imala sam oko 4-5 godina, a on 20 i nešto. Znam da je imao neki motorni poremećaj, i jedva je hodao, nosio je naočare. Bio je dobar prijatelj naših komšija kod bake na selu, i kad god bih ga ugledala, trčala sam do njega vičući "Sikiiiiiii" (to mu je bilo ime). Bila sam mu do kolena, pa kad me digne i vrti onako u vazduhu, mislila sam da je ceo svet moj. Ako na tom uzrastu nismo još sposobni da se zaljubimo, šta da vam kažem - onda je to bila neka pra pra zaljubljenost :)

2. Što biste u životu voljeli raditi (idealan posao)?
Uvek sam govorila da sam rođena u Americi bavila bih se street dance-om, i išla bih na turneje npr. sa (starom) Madonnom. U Srbiji to možeš da igraš jedino uz izvođače aka Funky G. No thanks!
Po ceo dan igraš, dobro izgledaš i oduševljavaš ljude svojim pokretima, a muzika je sastavni deo tvog posla. Ima li nečeg lepšeg!?


Here`s a chance for you to better know me...

1. Describe how the person of you first crush was looking...
I was 4-5, and he was 20 and something. I know that he had some kind of motor disability, he could barely walk, and he was wearing glasses. He was a friend of the neighbours of my grandmother on the country, and every time when I saw him from far, I was running to him yelling loudly "Sikiiiiiiii" (that was his name). I was up to his knees, and when he was lifting me high up in the air, I thought that the whole world was mine! If in that age we are still not capable to have a crush or to fall in love, then it was a kind of pre pre love :)

2. What`s you ideal job?
I have always said that if I were living in the USA, I would be a street dancer, and I would go on tours with eg. (the old) Madonna. In Serbia you can only dance this with fake, kitch Roma bands. No thanks! 
You are dancing the whole day, looking good, making other people feel good with your moves, and the music is the inevitable part of your job. Is there anything better?!

3. Zašto je glitter važna ljudska izmišljotina?
Zato što svojim sjajem može da zamaskira nedostatke. Barem na kratko :)

4. Koja je, po vašem mišljenju, najgluplja ljubavna priča?
Ona u kojoj se VOLIM TE ponavlja 500x na dan, pa ti već peti dan te reči postanu nebitne!

5. Da ste životinja, najvjerojatnije biste bili.... zato jer....
Bila bih majmun. Jer ume da zabavi i ponekad deluje blentavo i naivno, ali je u stvari veoma inteligentan, uporan i adaptibilan. Ooops, pa ja to pričam o sebi :)


3. Why is glitter one important human discovery?
Because with its shine it can cover some flaws and imperfections. At least for a little while :)

4. Which is, in your opinion, the most stupid love story?
The one in which they say I LOVE YOU like 500 times a day, and then on the 5th day those words already become unimportant.

5. If you were an animal which one would you be, and why?
I would probably be a monkey. Because it can be funny and sometimes too crazy and naive, but actually it`s very intelligent, persistant and adaptible. Ooops, I`m talking about me :)

A sada tagujem dalje 5 osoba koje bih volela da nam se predstave kroz gore navedenih 5 pitanja: /////////// And now I`m tagging 5 other bloggers who would be nice to present to ourselves through these 5 questions:

1. Tibomira
2. Isidora
3. Ivana
4. Sukie
5.  Mali Iv

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What I have learned this month

1. Čak i kada misliš da nema dalje, i tad postoji neko rešenje, samo ako želiš da ga prihvatiš.

2. Da ko voli dobro da se provede, voli to do daljnjeg!


1. Even when you think that there`s no further, there`s always a solution. Only if you want to accept it...

2. Who likes to have a good time, likes it, no matter what!

3. Da je realno funkcionalna i srećna porodica prava retkost. I ako si dovoljno srećan da imaš takvu, neguj i ceni tu sreću!


3. That a realistically functional and happy family is a true rarity. If you are lucky enough to have one, embrace and appreciate that luck!

4. Da mi je kod proslave Nove godine sa godinama sve važnije dekorisanje i hrana koju ćemo imati, a sve manje gde ću je proslaviti. Dok god je ta proslava sa dragim ljudima... 


4. That by years with New Year`s Eve it`s more and more important to me how I`ll decorate and we`ll eat, than how and where I`ll celebrate it. As long as it`s with the dear people...

5. Da je pravu ljubav teško naći. No, kad je nađeš, gledaj da ti ne postane omiljena pesma ona "you don`t know what you got till it`s gone".


5. That true love is hard to find. However, if you think you have found it be careful that your favourite song soon doesn`t become that "you don`t know what you got till it`s gone".

6. Da još uvek postoji puno pesama i muzičkih pravaca koji će mi srce dotaknuti. Onako jako, kako samo muzika to može!


6. That there`s so many song and music genres left to warm my heart. On that strong and powerful way, like only music can do!

7. Da je bloggovanje divna stvar, u kojoj možeš upoznati toliko zanimljivih ljudi, puno istomišljenika, dobiti jaaako puno potrebne podrške, otkriti, deliti, dobiti, dati. Hvala vam što ste tu!


7. That blogging is a wonderful thing, in which you can meet so many interesting people, gain so much of a needed support, discover. share, get, give. Thank you for being there!