Sunday, January 27, 2013

The ABC of me (part 3 and 4) - some of my life philosophies

Month number 10, Task 3 and 4
(Note for English speaking friends: the serbian words are connected to the alphabet, so the English translation won`t exactly match)

K - karakter. Imati ga, održati i u skladu sa njim reagovati - pravo je umeće.


K - personality and coherence. To have one, to maintain it and to react based on it - that`s a real skill.

L - laik. Ne volim kada je neko laik za neku temu, a pravi se pametan i vodi glavnu reč.

LJ - naravno ljubav, ali i ljudi. Ponekad ih tako volim, ali nekad i žalim što nisam životinja.


L - a person who doesn`t know the basic facts about some topics, but is trying to be smart and wants to lead the main word.

LJ - of course love, and people. Sometimes I love people, but some days I regret of not being the animal.

M - moći, kao glagol. Kada veruješ da nešto možeš, u velikoj meri povećavaš šansu uspeha. Čak i kada ti deluje nemoguće, barem ćeš naći najbolje rešenje.

N - novine u životu. Ponekad plaše jer donose neizvesnost, ali gotovo uvek prijaju i omogućavaju napredak.

NJ - njanja. Ne volim kada su ljudi slabašni i kada im stalno nešto fali, stalno nešto kukaju, stalno im nešto nije dobro.


M - can, as a verb. When you believe that you can, you are increasing the chance of the success. Even it seems impossible, at least you`ll find the best solution.

N - new thing in life. Sometimes they frighten you because they bring uncertainty, but almost always they suit you and they are bringing a progress.

NJ - a person who can`t stop whining. I don`t like when people are constantly weak, when they`re constantly missing something or constantly don`t feel well.

O - oči. Ne idem toliko daleko da kažem da su "ogledalo duše", ali pogled puno toga govori. I oči su mi najlepši deo nečijeg lica.


O - the eyes. I don`t go that far by saying that "eyes are always a mirror to a soul", but the look can really say a lot. And the eyes are the most beautiful feature of the face.

P - promene. Baš ih volim. Ima i onih negativnih u životu, ali mislim da čak i u njima možemo nešto novo naučiti. Barem o sebi i svojim kapacitetima...


P - changes. I really like them. There are some negative changes in life, but I think that even in them we can learn something new. At least about ourselves and our own capacities...


  1. Potpisujem ovo za promene!!! A kod Laika, ja bih to stavila pod slovo G...sve češće glupi ljudi o svemu imaju stav, sve veruju da znaju i sve konce hvataju. Što bi rekli KUD Idijoti :"Glupost je neuništiva"
    Sjajna je ova tvoja abeceda...jedva čekam nastavak :)

  2. Oh draga. Bas mi znace ove vase lepe reci, jer sam taman pomislila kako mi ova ABC ideja i nije nesto uspela. A tako sam joj se radovala :)

  3. njanja je riječ koja je mene oduševila, hahhahahahh! odlično!

  4. I really love change too! keeps things interesting in life!
