Tuesday, October 16, 2012

If in two weeks there was the end of the world... /////// Ako bi za dve nedelje bio smak sveta...

... kako biste vi proveli to preostalo vreme? ////////// ... how would you spend those days?

Month number 7, Task 4

Na ovu ideju došla sam nakon gledanja filma Seeking a friend for the end of the world. (Nije loš, vredi ga pogledati. Blago razočarenje mi je bila Keira, koja mi je inače jedna od omiljenih, a ovde se nešto puno veštački kreveljila.)


I got this idea after watching Seeking a friend for the ened of the world. ( It`s not bad, you should watch it. Mild dissapointment was Keira, who is one of my favourites, but in this movies she was grimacing to much.)

Zaista, šta bih sve uradila i probala za te dve nedelje?

NE bih išla na posao.
NE bih puno spavala, ali bih napokon mogla da ležem kad hoću, i da ustajem kad hoću. Osim poslednjih par dana, kada bih po poslednji put želela da vidim i doživim jutro.
NE bih brinula o tome koja hrana je zdrava, a koja smeta mom stomaku. Ako mi napravi kuršlus u stomaku, popila bih neku tabletu. Ne interesuju me posledice, ionako me neće biti tu za dve nedelje.
NE bih dozvoljavala ljudima oko mene da kukaju "šta nas je to snašlo?!". Poslednje minute bih želela da provedem u lepom raspoloženju.
Napravila bih spisak jela koja nikad nisam probala. Ako ih nema u gradu, napravila bih ih sama. I zvala drage ljudi da zajedno uživamo.
Što više vremena provodila bih sa porodicom, a svo vreme sa momkom.
Non stop bi oko mene bila uključena muzika. Jer, tako je uvek lepše.
Pošto ne bih imala vremena da osetim čari trudnoće, otišla bih u prihvatilište da preuzmem jedno dete i zajedno sa njim dočekam kraj. To bih uradila poslednjih dana - pre toga da se sebično iživim, a poslednjih par dana da brinem o malom nedužnom stvorenju.

Poslednji dan bih polupala sve što imam u kući, povadila svu odeću, pocepala sve što se može pocepati. To mi je uvek bila želja, i mislim da je baš katarzično u situacijama stresa.

Svim dragim ljudima bih barem u poruci stavila do znanja koji mi je sa njima bio najdraži zajednički momenat.

Pod hitno bih skakala bungee jumping ili padobranom. Verujem da bi bio red ispred mene, ali strpljivo bih ostavila jedan dan za to.

Uzela bih ceo minus na računu i sa momkom barem na dva dana otišla u neki evropski grad. Bilo bi lepo ići negde preko "bare", ali nema se vremena za sve. A i taj maleni minus ne bi pokrio troškove :)

Deo sa sex, drugs and rock n roll ću preskočiti, iz poštovanja prema family friendly bloggerskim prijateljima...

Šta biste vi uradili?


Really, what would I do and try in those two weeks?

I would NOT go to work.

I would NOT sleep a lot, but finally I would be able to go to bed when I want, and to get up when I want. Except for the last few days, when I would like to see the morning for the last time.

I would NOT worry about what food is healthy and what suits well to my stomach. If it makes chaos in my stomach, I would take some pill for that, not worrying about the consequences, cause I wouldn`t get to live them.

I would NOT let people around me wining about "what will happen to us!?", cause I would like to spend my last minutes in good mood, and not in moaning about the inevitable.

I would make a list of all the meals I haven`t tried. If I don`t have anywhere to buy them in the city, I would make them myself. And call dear people to enjoy in them together.

I would spend lots of time with my family, and all the time with my boyfriend.

Music would be on all the time. Because, everything is much better with it.

Since I wouldn`t have time to experience the magic of pregnancy, I would go to a shelter and take one child to take care of him until the end. However, I would do that in the last few days - before that to selfishly live by myself, and then to devote myself to that child completely.

The last day I would break all that I have in the house, cut all that could be cut, I would take all the clothes out. I`ve always wanted to do that because I think it`s a great stress reliever.

To all dear people I would send something, at least in a message, about the dearest moment with them.

I would go bungee jumping or at least jump with a parashoot. I believe everybody would want to do that, but I would patiently wait my turn.

I would take out all the money from bank account and go to one European city with my boyfriend. It would be nice to go somewhere accross the ocean, but I wouldn`t have time for that. Nor money..

I`ll skip the part about sex, drugs and rock`n`roll, from respect to my family-friendly blogger friends.

What would you do?


  1. Dear one, a belated happy Birthday to you ! I read your previous post just now. I am happy for you. Your boyfriend is so nice and special to bake a cake for you. Today is my husband's Birthday but I am a bit unwell, so I am buying the cake instead of baking ! You turned 32 ! I am 34. So you are my little sis !
    {I will read this post soon and try to give my feedback. Sorry for that }
    Take care and stay happy !

    1. Kisses for you. And happy husband`s birthday :)

  2. Venice sounds good! But two weeks goes by fast, so I'd probably just want to stay close to family and friends. :)

  3. {Just read the post now, as I couldn't read in details, yesterday }

    It is an interesting concept. I thought hard and came up with many answers but the one that I found very close to my desire is that I would hold my husband tightly, hug him throughout the day and night and call my parents to stay with me so that I can see them and hug them also every day till the world comes to an end. I will also talk a lot with them about the significance of love. we will cook together and eat together till the world ends.

    1. Yes. Those little things are the ones that would be the most important. As always :)
