Month number 7, Task 3
Zbog svega toga rođendan nije dan kao i svi ostali, i ne dozvoljavam da me bilo ko ubedi u suprotno!
Ja baš volim svoje rođendane. Koliko god da sam tada i u nekoj lošoj životnoj fazi, naučila sam da toga dana budem nekako "specijalno dobro" raspoložena, i ne dozvoljavam nikome da mi to pokvari.
Neki ne vole rođendane jer im se ne organizuju slavlja tim povodom. Ja uvek tražim neki povod za slavlje. Mesec dana veze, polugodišnjica, godišnjica, položen ispit.. Rođendan mu onda dođe i najvažniji povod za slavlje u jednoj godini. Više ne pravim žurke tim povodom, ali neka porodična večera, klopica za kolege i bliske prijatelje obavezno se organizuje. I dobra zabava je kod mene uvek zagarantovana. Jer, kako Monica Geller iz Friends-a kaže: "I`m always the hostess!" :)
Drugi ne vole rođendane jer im se ne troše pare na hranu i piće. Ljudi, vi zaboravljate najlepšu stvar vezanu za rođendane: poklone!!! Čak i ako je neka sitnica, ima li nečeg lepšeg od saznanja da se neko potrudio da te iznenadi. A ako ste baš materijalista - tim poklonima se otprilike i nadomesti uložen novac za slavlje. Zar ne? Pa ono iščekivanje i razmišljanje šta bi sve bilo lepo da dobiješ :)
Onda ima onih koji ne vole rođendane zato što postaju jednu godinu stariji. Uf, moš` misliti. Godine idu svidelo se to nama ili ne. Pa onda je bolje da ih prihvatimo i da se trudimo da se osećamo i izgledamo što mlađe. Eto, na primer, meni ljudi govore da imam tek 20 i neku. A ja 32 :)
I to kad te svi ljube,zovu, pišu, i žele lepe želje, pa se ti osećaš kao neka veoma bitna persona. Bez lažne skromnosti - prija! I to jako!
Zbog svega toga rođendan nije dan kao i svi ostali, i ne dozvoljavam da me bilo ko ubedi u suprotno!
E da, meni je juče bio rođendan :) I baš sam bila bitna, a posebno moj momak, koji je napravio svoju prvu tortu. I to tortu iznenađenja:
I really, really like my birthdays. As much as some bad phase hit me in that period, I`ve learned to be "in especially good mood" that day, and I don`t let anybody ruin that.
Some people don`t like birthdays because they are not in the mood to organize some celebration on that occasion. I always look for a reason for celebration. One month of a relationship, half a year, a year anniversary, passed exam... So, in that case, birthday is maybe the most important "celebration occasion" in the year. I don`t make birthday parties anymore, but a family dinner, food for colleagues and close friends is obligatory. And good time is guaranteed. Cause, as Monica Geller said in Friends: "I`m always the hostess" :)
Others don`t like birthdays because they don`t want to spend money on food or drinks (in Serbia, when you are a host, you pay everything). Come on people, you are forgetting the most beautiful thing about birthdays: PRESENTS! Even if it`s something small, is there anything more beautiful than knowing that somebody has put effort to pleasantly suprised you. And if you are a materialist - with that presents you kind of reimburse the money you payed for the celebration. Right?
And that anticipation of what you could get for presents, mmmm :)
Then you have people who don`t like birthdays because then they are one year older. Oh, come on!!! The years are passing whether we like it or not. It`s better to embrace them and try to look and feel as younger as we could. Me, for example, am often told to have around 20 and something, and I`m 32 :)
And when everybody is kissing you, calling you, writing to you, so you feel like some very special person. Without any modesty - that feels goooood. Very much!
Because of all of that birthday is not a day like every other, and I don`t let anybody convince me in anything different!
And yes, my birthday was yesterday :) A special day, and I was feeling so special! And my boyfriend too, because he made his first cake. A surprise cake:
I really, really like my birthdays. As much as some bad phase hit me in that period, I`ve learned to be "in especially good mood" that day, and I don`t let anybody ruin that.
Some people don`t like birthdays because they are not in the mood to organize some celebration on that occasion. I always look for a reason for celebration. One month of a relationship, half a year, a year anniversary, passed exam... So, in that case, birthday is maybe the most important "celebration occasion" in the year. I don`t make birthday parties anymore, but a family dinner, food for colleagues and close friends is obligatory. And good time is guaranteed. Cause, as Monica Geller said in Friends: "I`m always the hostess" :)
Others don`t like birthdays because they don`t want to spend money on food or drinks (in Serbia, when you are a host, you pay everything). Come on people, you are forgetting the most beautiful thing about birthdays: PRESENTS! Even if it`s something small, is there anything more beautiful than knowing that somebody has put effort to pleasantly suprised you. And if you are a materialist - with that presents you kind of reimburse the money you payed for the celebration. Right?
And that anticipation of what you could get for presents, mmmm :)
Then you have people who don`t like birthdays because then they are one year older. Oh, come on!!! The years are passing whether we like it or not. It`s better to embrace them and try to look and feel as younger as we could. Me, for example, am often told to have around 20 and something, and I`m 32 :)
And when everybody is kissing you, calling you, writing to you, so you feel like some very special person. Without any modesty - that feels goooood. Very much!
Because of all of that birthday is not a day like every other, and I don`t let anybody convince me in anything different!
And yes, my birthday was yesterday :) A special day, and I was feeling so special! And my boyfriend too, because he made his first cake. A surprise cake:
Ti 32? Ma nema šanse! :D
ReplyDeleteU svakom slučaju, želim ti sretan rođendan, sretniji od svih prethodnih i da ih dočekaš još stotinu u takvom raspoloženju okružena najdražim ljudima. :)
Slažem se sa svime što si rekla, treba voljeti rođendane. Imala sam i divnih i onih manje divnih, ali kad sve na kraju saberem više ih volim nego što ih ne volim :D
Srećan rođendan! Treba slaviti sve lepe trenutke :)
ReplyDeleteSretan rodjendan! :))) Ja obozavam svoj i nikad mi nije bed reci koliko godina imam. Jedino sto ne pravim nikakve zabave za lege, nadjem se s par ljudi odvojeno na cugi kroz tjedan i to je to, a taj dan uglavnom budemo dragi i ja samo :)
ReplyDeleteE pa draga nasa Saskice...SRETAN TI ROĐENDAN!!! Da si nam ziva, zdrava i vesela !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSaljemo ti najjjjveci rođendanski poljubac!!! :-*********
sretan rođendan!
ReplyDeletetorta iznenađenja: awww...
Hvala vam svima. Ja upravo zavrsila sa poslednjim slavljem :)
ReplyDeleteSreeeeetan rođendan!!!! :))
ReplyDeleteJa isto volim rođendane i proslave općenito, baš mi frend slavi 30-i za dva dana i jedva čekam :))
Lepo se provedi :)
DeleteSkroz se slazem sa tobom, da je stvarno bitno ne neki nacin proslaviti svoj rodjendan, ali ja ga vec dve godine nisam slavila.Ove godine sam isla na Madonnin koncert, pa nisam imala toliko para i za rodjendansko slavlje, a i sutradan sam odmah putovala.
ReplyDeleteVolim da slavim rodjendan, ali garsonjera mi je nekada mali prostor za slavlje.Nadam da cu od sledece godine kada budem pocela da zivim sa Saletom, onda svake godine slaviti, i moj i njehov rodjendan :) :)
thanks for linking up with the aloha friday blog hop, have a great week and hope you'll join us again next friday :D
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! That's wonderful that your bf actually baked you a cake!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party :)
Awwww, happy birthday! I used to be one of those people who didn't want to get older. Then I turned 40 and found out that life is a whole lot of fun!!!! AND I've not looked back since. Every birthday celebrates another wonderful year of life and offers the promise of a new year to enjoy. I'm almost 47 and I'm proud of it!
ReplyDeleteConsidering the things you do, you should be proud :)