Sa prethodnim mesecom je završen moj lični projekat - Projekat 6x6. Tačnije, završen je njegov prvi turnus. Kao što detaljnije piše ovde, njegov cilj je bio da mi malo začini život, što je stvarno i uspeo. To jest, ja sam sama uspela, i veoma sam ponosna na to :)
U prethodnih šest meseci postigla sam sledeće:
0. Poboljšala sam svoje kulinarske veštine (click)
1. Naučila sam da primećujem detalje oko sebe, što sam obeležila fotografijama (click)
2. Ponovo sam u sebi probudila svoj kreativni deo ličnosti, a što sam nastavila da razvijam na svom drugom blogu CreaCtive
3. Više se i bogatije družila sa dragim ljudima (click)
4. Malo više obratila pažnju na svoj styling (click)
5. Otkrila novu muziku (click)
6. Ponovo se posvetila svom pisanju i zapisima (click).
A kranji produkt - osećaj da sam zaista nešto usavršila kod sebe i da sam razvila neke nove ljubavi i interesovanja, a takođe i probudila neka stara, koja su mi bila preko potrebna. Mogu reći da sam gotovo sve zadatke dobro potrefila, osim možda četvrtog meseca - vezanog za obraćanje pažnje na svoj styling. Nisam sigurna u čemu je tačno bio problem, obzirom da volim da se sređujem i doterujem... Možda je problem bio u tome što nisam imala fotografa za to, već je momak jadan išao na brzinu sa mnom napolje da "odradi to što mi treba za blog", pa sam i ja brzala, kako mu ne bih bila na teretu. Ili jednostavno nisam ja za fashion bloggera :) Plan mi je da se u budućnosti opet malo više posvetim svom odevanju i raportiranju o istom. Naravno, u momentu kada za tim budem imala potrebu...
Pošto je prvobitan plan projekta bio da nakon 6 meseci donesem odluku o tome da li sam dovoljno začinila svoj život, ja svečano objavljujem da je taj cilj definitivno postignut, ali sam se ja toliko navukla na zadavanje i realizaciju zadataka "začinjavanja života", da ću i narednih šest meseci nastaviti sa istim. Pošto me je poslednji zadatak izuzetno inspirisao, a naišla sam i na dosta vaših pozitivnih komentara, odlučujem i da prvi mesec narednog turnusa projekta posvetim pisanijama na razne teme.
Hvala vam svima što me pratite i pružate podršku. Slobodno mi se pridružite u projektu, jako prija :)
With previous month coming to its end, my personal project have also finished. To be exact, its first phase has finished. As it was explained here, its goal was to spice my life up, which was completely fulfilled. To be more precise, I managed that by myself, and I`m so proud of it :)
In the last few months I achieved:
0. to improve my culinary skills (click)
1. to notice the details around me more, which I captured by camera (click)
2. to re-awake my creative side, which I continued to develop on my other blog CreaCtive
3. to hang out more and richer with my dear firends (click)
4. to pay attention more on my styling (click)
5. to discover some new music (click)
6. to start to write again (click).
And the final product - the feeling that I have improved some old skills, and awakened some new interests, which I needed very much. I can say that I chose great tasks for myself, except maybe the one which considered my styling. I`m not sure what the problem was exactly, considering the fact that I like to dress up... Maybe it was because I didn`t have a proper photographer for that, so my poor boyfriend was going out with me to "quickly do the chores for my blog things", and in the end I was also hurrying the things, because I didn`t want to be a burden to him. Or I`m just not for blogging :) My plan is to pay more attention to this in the future, and to raporting about it ofc. Of course, in a moment when I have a need for it.
Since the first plan was to decide after six months if I have spicen up my life sufficiently, now I`m solemnly proclaiming that the goal was definitely achieved, and since I`m so hooked to this project now, I`ll continue with it for the next 6 months too. Since my last task inspired me so much, and you were leaving me so many nice comments, I`m deciding to continue with my writings and giving the opinions for the next month too :)
Thank you all for following and giving me support. Feel free to join me in my project, it really feels good :)
With previous month coming to its end, my personal project have also finished. To be exact, its first phase has finished. As it was explained here, its goal was to spice my life up, which was completely fulfilled. To be more precise, I managed that by myself, and I`m so proud of it :)
In the last few months I achieved:
0. to improve my culinary skills (click)
1. to notice the details around me more, which I captured by camera (click)
2. to re-awake my creative side, which I continued to develop on my other blog CreaCtive
3. to hang out more and richer with my dear firends (click)
4. to pay attention more on my styling (click)
5. to discover some new music (click)
6. to start to write again (click).
And the final product - the feeling that I have improved some old skills, and awakened some new interests, which I needed very much. I can say that I chose great tasks for myself, except maybe the one which considered my styling. I`m not sure what the problem was exactly, considering the fact that I like to dress up... Maybe it was because I didn`t have a proper photographer for that, so my poor boyfriend was going out with me to "quickly do the chores for my blog things", and in the end I was also hurrying the things, because I didn`t want to be a burden to him. Or I`m just not for blogging :) My plan is to pay more attention to this in the future, and to raporting about it ofc. Of course, in a moment when I have a need for it.
Since the first plan was to decide after six months if I have spicen up my life sufficiently, now I`m solemnly proclaiming that the goal was definitely achieved, and since I`m so hooked to this project now, I`ll continue with it for the next 6 months too. Since my last task inspired me so much, and you were leaving me so many nice comments, I`m deciding to continue with my writings and giving the opinions for the next month too :)
Thank you all for following and giving me support. Feel free to join me in my project, it really feels good :)
Your project sounds like a great idea, and something I will consider taking part in. Thanks for linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
Feel free to join. I would be glad to exchange ideas and achievements :)
ReplyDeleteČestitam na uspješno završenih 6 mj :) Ali da, sad kad si tako dobro krenula ajde još 6 :D
ReplyDeleteAjd` :)
Deletejeeeej čestitam, baš sam se raszveselila dok sam ti čitala post, odiše optimizmom i vedrinom :))) jedva ti čekam pratiti novih 6x6 :D
ReplyDeleteHvala puno na lepim recima i podrsci ;*
DeleteČestitam, a ovo je odličan podsticaj za unaprijeđivanje nekih vještina ili učenje nečega novoga. Moglo bi se nekad probati :)
ReplyDeleteSamo izvoli :)
Deletedrago mi je da nastavljaš! možda je i meni vrijeme za nove izazove...
ReplyDeleteNikad nije kasno :)