Month number 8, Task 4
1. Uveliko je prošlo 9h, sestra i ja smo u krevetu. Meni se ne spava, ona bi po obicaju i mogla. Mama i tata gledaju tv u dnevnoj sobi, a i ja bih. Ustajem, sestra me naravno prati iza, i dolazim do trpezarijskog stola i stolica, pa se tu nas dve sakrivamo i kikoćemo, dok kroz stolice gledamo mamu i tatu u dnevnoj sobi. Tu smo, a oni ni ne znaju. Jaoj, kako smo pametne... Tata kaže mami "Radice, ova naša deca spavaju, ha?" A mi se još glasnije zakikoćemo, misleći "kako smo ih zeznule". Pa onda usledi najlepši trenutak večeri, kada nas tata pozove da im se ipak priključimo ispred TVa, i svi zaboravimo da je već prošlo predviđeno vreme spavanja za nas dve.
1. It`s already passed 9, sister and me are in bed. I`m not into sleeping, but my sister wouldn`t mind. Mom and dad are watching TV in the living room. I would like to also... I`m getting up, my sister is following me, of course. We are coming to the dining room table, and are hiding behind the chairs, giggling, while watching Mom and Dad through the chairs. We are here, and they even don`t know it. Wow, how smart are we! Dad is saying to Mom "Radice (her name), our children are sleeping, right?" And we giggle even louder, thinking "God, have we screwed them up, or what?". And then comes the best part of the night, when Dad calls us to join them in front of the TV, and we all forget that bedtime has already passed.

2. Nedelja, rano veče. Sestra i ja smo zajedno u kadi punoj vode i sapunice. Toliko smo male, da bi još jedno dete moglo da stane sa nama. Mama i tata nas kupaju. Svi nasmejani. Nas dve jer nam prija topla voda, i tu su naši roditelji zaštitnici. Mama i tata jer su dovoljno sazreli da mogu da shvate da je to jedan od najlepših i najčistijih momenata koji su doživeli.
2. Sunday, early evening. Sister and me are in the bathtub, full of water and soap. We are so small, that one more child could fit with us. Mom and Dad are bathing us. Everybody is smiling. The two of us because we like warm water, and our parents protectors are here. Mom and Dad because they are mature enough to realize that this is one of the most precious moments they have ever experienced.
3. Ponoć je prošla, ja bih uveliko trebala da spavam kao i svi moji ukućani. Za par sati ustajemo i krećemo na letovanje u Grčku. Ma ko će sad spavati od ovog uzbuđenja?! Jel znate vi kakva sve uživanja mene čekaju u narednih 10 dana? Kupaću se, ješću giros, sladoled sa iznenađenje igračkicom na dnu kutije, igraću Pacmana u igraonici, i mama i tata će mi kupovati kojekakve đinđuve. A možda dobijem i neke sandalice od svih onih koje uporno probavam u svakoj prodavnici na šetalištu. Bože, ima li veće sreće?!
4. Putujemo na more našim Yugom. Ja ni ne znam da postoje bolja kola, a i šta će nam. Dovoljno su velika da nas dve legnemo jedna pored druge pozadi, i da satima spavamo kao da smo u svom krevetu. Ja nisam ni svesna da ću jednog dana biti veliki protivnik pušenja. Ono što znam je da me prožmu sva najlepša osećanja sveta kada me probudi blagi dim maminih najslabijih cigareta, jer svaki put kada sam prethodnih godina to osećala, posle su usledili dani uživanja na moru. Meni je samo ta veza dovoljna, ja ne znam za dalje analize.
3. It`s already passed midnight, and I should be sleeping like the rest of my family. In a few hours we are getting up and heading of to Greece. Who could sleep now from all this excitement? Do you know what kind of different enjoyments are waiting for me? I`ll be swimming, eating gyros, icecream with the surprise toy, I`ll play Pacman, and Mom and Dad will be buying all kind of jewelry, small toys and other similar things. And maybe I`ll get some sandals, of the many I`ll be trying in every shop and the main pedestrian walkway. God, is there any bigger happiness?!
4. We are travelling by our Yugo. I don`t even know that there`s bigger and better car, and why should I. It`s big enough for both of my sister and me to lay down in the back, and to sleep for hours as if we were in our own bed. I`m not even aware that one day I`ll be so much against smoking. The thing I know is that all kinds of beautiful emotions runs through me when I`m woken up by Mom`s light smoke of the cigarette, because every time I felt that in the previous years, some good days of enjoyment would come. That connection is enough for me, I don`t know about any further analysis.

5. Raspust je, već par dana sam kod babe na selu. Bunim se što moramo da idemo kod babe, ali sam svesna da kad već odem tamo ja u stvari uživam. Baba stalno predlaže sa kim bi mogla da me upozna, da se igramo, ali ja neću. Ne zato što nisam društvena, nego zato što mi je ovako lepo. Ne mogu da ustanem ujutru od svežeg vazduha, tišine i utopljenosti u veliki perjani jastuk. Kad ustanem, ne znam koju pre želju za hranu baba da mi ispuni. Pa mi onda malo i bude žao što nisam neka "ješna", jer bi baba vola da peče, a ja bih samo mekanu kiflu sa domaćim sirom i paradajzom, savijaču, ili makarone pržene na masti, pa onda pomešane sa domaćim sirom. Eventualno i palačinke, pa onda ukrug. Da li ću onda da gledam tv, ili da igram lastiš, ili da pravim koreografije uz muziku? Šta pre?! Dok baba ne dođe sa sledećim pitanjima za hranu i kolače, i sa punom šakom sitniša, da odem u prodavnicu i kupim neki slatkiš.. Ili greb-greb srećkicu usput.
Imala sam baš divno detinjstvo....
5. It`s school holiday, and for a few days already I`m at my grandmas`, in the countryside. I`m protesting every time when we have to go, but I`m also aware that every time when I go there, I enjoy myself. Grandma is constantly suggesting to whom she could introduce me to play with, but I don`t want to. Not because I`m not sociabile, but because I like it this way. In the morning I can`t wake up from all the fresh air, silence and my drowning in the big feather pillow. When I get up, my grandma don`t know which of my meal wishes to realize for me. And then sometimes I feel sorry for not being that much of a big food lover, because she would like to roast a veal for me and such, and I would only like a soft roll with homemade cheese and tomato, or some homemade pastery, or mac fryed on fat, and then mixed with homemade cheese. Maybe even pancakes, and that`s it. So, will I watch TV afterwards, or make dance coreographies to music or play come children games? What first?! Until grandma comes with questions about next meals, cakes and cookies. And with hand full of coins for me to go to the store and buy candies, and maybe a lottery ticket on the way..
I had the best childhood...