Friday, November 30, 2012

ALOHA affair linky party

Hey dear all,

here`s another week of hosting this great linky party, with my dear fellow hostesses. Feel free to join us and gain new blogging friendships. 

To get to know me better you can take a sneak peak of a cozy little place I call my home, or to read about what I think of the ironies of life. What do you think?

Hosted by: 
An Aloha Affair's Amazing November Team

Mahalo, thank you, to these beautiful ladies.  
Please do stop by to say "hi" to these women who have so graciously hosted us all month long. Here's to Aloha and to those who live it so well.  

For more info on joining future An Aloha Affair teams please email:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Top 5 ironies of life

Month number 8, Task 5

1. Odseliš se u inostranstvo da bi bolje živeo, i onda jedva čekaš godišnji odmor da bi što pre došao svoju rodnu grudu i potrošio sve pare.

2. Roditelji ti kupe stan, i mesečno ti pomažu, da bi ti bio nezavisan i samostalan.


1. You move abroad in search for a better life, and then you can`t wait to have free days so that you could go back to you home country and spend all the money there.

2. Parents buy you the apartment, and they help you on monthly basis, so that you could be independent.

3. Seći drveće, praviti papir i na njemu pisati "Sačuvajmo drveće, sačuvajmo planetu".

4. Voleti pravu osobu u pogrešno vreme, i pogrešnu osobu u pravo vreme.

5. Imati malo vremena, a toliko toga za uraditi. Imati puno vremena, a nemati pojma šta sa njim!

Toliko je još ironija, ali ovo je ipak Top 5 :)

Još jedna dobra:


3. People cut the trees, produce the paper, and then write "Save the trees, save the planet" on that paper.

4. Love the right person in the wrong time, and wrong person at the right time.

5. To have little time, and lot of things to do. To have a lot of time, and don`t know what to do with it.

There are so many other ironies, but the topic is Top 5 :)

Another good one:

Koje su vaše najveće životne ironije? ///// What are your biggest life ironies?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Welcome to another Aloha affair party. This is my last hosting of the party this year, and I can`t wait to host it next time, cause it has been an incredible journey. I found out about so many interesting blogs, and met so many magnificent people. I hope that you had the same experience. If you didn`t, you have another opporunity with this party :)

For everyone who wants to know me better, here are some funny and sweet stories from my childhood. And for those who want to know the older me better, here`s one simple recipe I made a few days ago.

And now, go mingle and enjoy the Aloha affair.


Hosted by: 
An Aloha Affair's Amazing November Team
Kendra Aleksandra Raven  Anna  * Harmony
Each week we'll highlight two team members' responses to our  conversation starter so that you can get to know them better. 

This month's conversation starter:
What Are You Thankful For?

For more info on joining future An Aloha Affair teams please email:

Top 5 memories from my childhood

Month number 8, Task 4

1. Uveliko je prošlo 9h, sestra i ja smo u krevetu. Meni se ne spava, ona bi po obicaju i mogla. Mama i tata gledaju tv u dnevnoj sobi, a i ja bih. Ustajem, sestra me naravno prati iza, i dolazim do trpezarijskog stola i stolica, pa se tu nas dve sakrivamo i kikoćemo, dok kroz stolice gledamo mamu i tatu u dnevnoj sobi. Tu smo, a oni ni ne znaju. Jaoj, kako smo pametne... Tata kaže mami "Radice, ova naša deca spavaju, ha?" A mi se još glasnije zakikoćemo, misleći "kako smo ih zeznule". Pa onda usledi najlepši trenutak večeri, kada nas tata pozove da im se ipak priključimo ispred TVa, i svi zaboravimo da je već prošlo predviđeno vreme spavanja za nas dve. 


1. It`s already passed 9, sister and me are in bed. I`m not into sleeping, but my sister wouldn`t mind. Mom and dad are watching TV in the living room. I would like to also... I`m getting up, my sister is following me, of course. We are coming to the dining room table, and are hiding behind the chairs, giggling, while watching Mom and Dad through the chairs. We are here, and they even don`t know it. Wow, how smart are we! Dad is saying to Mom "Radice (her name), our children are sleeping, right?" And we giggle even louder, thinking "God, have we screwed them up, or what?". And then comes the best part of the night, when Dad calls us to join them in front of the TV, and we all forget that bedtime has already passed.

2. Nedelja, rano veče. Sestra i ja smo zajedno u kadi punoj vode i sapunice. Toliko smo male, da bi još jedno dete moglo da stane sa nama. Mama i tata nas kupaju. Svi nasmejani. Nas dve jer nam prija topla voda, i tu su naši roditelji zaštitnici. Mama i tata jer su dovoljno sazreli da mogu da shvate da je to jedan od najlepših i najčistijih momenata koji su doživeli.


2. Sunday, early evening. Sister and me are in the bathtub, full of water and soap. We are so small, that one more child could fit with us. Mom and Dad are bathing us. Everybody is smiling. The two of us because we like warm water, and our parents protectors are here. Mom and Dad because they are mature enough to realize that this is one of the most precious moments they have ever experienced.

3. Ponoć je prošla, ja bih uveliko trebala da spavam kao i svi moji ukućani. Za par sati ustajemo i krećemo na letovanje u Grčku. Ma ko će sad spavati od ovog uzbuđenja?! Jel znate vi kakva sve uživanja mene čekaju u narednih 10 dana? Kupaću se, ješću giros, sladoled sa iznenađenje igračkicom na dnu kutije, igraću Pacmana u igraonici, i mama i tata će mi kupovati kojekakve đinđuve. A možda dobijem i neke sandalice od svih onih koje uporno probavam u svakoj prodavnici na šetalištu. Bože, ima li veće sreće?!

4. Putujemo na more našim Yugom. Ja ni ne znam da postoje bolja kola, a i šta će nam. Dovoljno su velika da nas dve legnemo jedna pored druge pozadi, i da satima spavamo kao da smo u svom krevetu. Ja nisam ni svesna da ću jednog dana biti veliki protivnik pušenja. Ono što znam je da me prožmu sva najlepša osećanja sveta kada me probudi blagi dim maminih najslabijih cigareta, jer svaki put kada sam prethodnih godina to osećala, posle su usledili dani uživanja na moru. Meni je samo ta veza dovoljna, ja ne znam za dalje analize.


3. It`s already passed midnight, and I should be sleeping like the rest of my family. In a few hours we are getting up and heading of to Greece. Who could sleep now from all this excitement? Do you know what kind of different enjoyments are waiting for me? I`ll be swimming, eating gyros, icecream with the surprise toy, I`ll play Pacman, and Mom and Dad will be buying all kind of jewelry, small toys and other similar things. And maybe I`ll get some sandals, of the many I`ll be trying in every shop and the main pedestrian walkway. God, is there any bigger happiness?!

4. We are travelling by our Yugo. I don`t even know that there`s bigger and better car, and why should I. It`s big enough for both of my sister and me to lay down in the back, and to sleep for hours as if we were in our own bed. I`m not even aware that one day I`ll be so much against smoking. The thing I know is that all kinds of beautiful emotions runs through me when I`m woken up by Mom`s light smoke of the cigarette, because every time I felt that in the previous years, some good days of enjoyment would come. That connection is enough for me, I don`t know about any further analysis.

5. Raspust je, već par dana sam kod babe na selu. Bunim se što moramo da idemo kod babe, ali sam svesna da kad već odem tamo ja u stvari uživam. Baba stalno predlaže sa kim bi mogla da me upozna, da se igramo, ali ja neću. Ne zato što nisam društvena, nego zato što mi je ovako lepo. Ne mogu da ustanem ujutru od svežeg vazduha, tišine i utopljenosti  u veliki perjani jastuk. Kad ustanem, ne znam koju pre želju za hranu baba da mi ispuni. Pa mi onda malo i bude žao što nisam neka "ješna", jer bi baba vola da peče, a ja bih samo mekanu kiflu sa domaćim sirom i paradajzom, savijaču, ili makarone pržene na masti, pa onda pomešane sa domaćim sirom. Eventualno i palačinke, pa onda ukrug. Da li ću onda da gledam tv, ili da igram lastiš, ili da pravim koreografije uz muziku? Šta pre?! Dok baba ne dođe sa sledećim pitanjima za hranu i kolače, i sa punom šakom sitniša, da odem u prodavnicu i kupim neki slatkiš.. Ili greb-greb srećkicu usput.

Imala sam baš divno detinjstvo....


5. It`s school holiday, and for a few days already I`m at my grandmas`, in the countryside. I`m protesting every time when we have to go, but I`m also aware that every time when I go there, I enjoy myself. Grandma is constantly suggesting to whom she could introduce me to play with, but I don`t want to. Not because I`m not sociabile, but because I like it this way. In the morning I can`t wake up from all the fresh air, silence and my drowning in the big feather pillow. When I get up, my grandma don`t know which of my meal wishes to realize for me. And then sometimes I feel sorry for not being that much of a big food lover, because she would like to roast a veal for me and such, and I would only like a soft  roll with homemade cheese and tomato, or some homemade pastery, or mac fryed on fat, and then mixed with homemade cheese. Maybe even pancakes, and that`s it. So, will I watch TV afterwards, or make dance coreographies to music or play come children games? What first?! Until grandma comes with questions about next meals, cakes and cookies. And with hand full of coins for me to go to the store and buy candies, and maybe a lottery ticket on the way..

I had the best childhood...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Top 5 quotes

Month number 8, Task 3

1. I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it's not some place you can look for. Because it's not where you go. It's how you feel for a moment in your life when you're a part of something. And if you find that moment... It lasts forever. (movie The beach)





Koji je vaš omiljeni quote? //////// What`s your favourite quote?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ALOHA affair party

Hello dear all,

it`s time for another great party. Last week was a blast, and I`m sure that this week it won`t be any different. I can`t wait to discover other new blogs and their wonderful authors. Feel free to post a link to you blog and to mingle and meet new friends.

And for those of you who like recycling and creative ideas, here`s a link to a recycled jewelry box that I made a few days ago. I hope you`ll like it...

Best regards from Serbia,

Hosted by: 
An Aloha Affair's Amazing November Team
Kendra Aleksandra Raven  Anna  * Harmony
Each week we'll highlight two team members' responses to our conversation starter so that you can get to know them better. 

This month's conversation starter:

What Are You Thankful For?

I hope you'll enjoy getting to know these sweet souls.

For more info on joining future An Aloha Affair teams please email:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

100 followers - thank you!

Puno vam hvala što me pratite, komentarišete i trpite. Obećavam još više zanimljivosti i sebe same, pa ko voli nek` izvoli :)


Thank you so much for following, commenting and putting up with me. I promise more of interesting posts and topics, and more of ME, so who likes it - will like it :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Top 5 pointless sentences! //// Top 5 bespotrebnih rečenica!

Month number 8, Task 2

1. Nisi trebao/la (za poklon za rođendan ili npr. svadbu).
Jedno je kada znaš da neko nema para, a kupi ti veliki poklon, pa ti zaista misliš da nije trebao TOLIKO da se troši. Ali, kada ti neko dođe na rođendan, ili još gore - na svadbu, pa ti kažeš da nije trebao uopšte da se troši, e to je već radi reda. Kreni prvo od sebe - sigurno ni ti sam/a me bi išao na nečiji rođendan/svadbu praznih ruku. Osnovna kultura je poneti barem čokoladu ili neko najjeftinije vino. I čemu onda ta "radi reda" rečenica?!

2. Ja samo kažem...
Ufff, na ovu sam posebno osetljiva. Znate ono kada se svađate sa nekim, pa vam ta druga osoba kaže nešto što vas uvredi i vi joj kažete da vas je uvredila, a ona će: "Štooo? Ja samo kaže..." Šta to uopšte znači? Sigurno nije otpevala, pitala, već je KAZALA!


1. You shouldn`t have! (for a present on birthday/wedding)
One thing is when you know that someone don`t have much money, and he/she has bought you an expensive present, so you honestly think that he/she SHOULDN`T HAVE spend so much money. However, something completely different is when someone comes to you brithday party, or worse - wedding (and in our country it`s rude to come empty-handed), and you say that he/she shouldn`t have spent money on you. Well, that you don`t mean, but rather you are saying pointless stuff. Start with yourself - you wouldn`t let yourself go to a birthday/wedding party empty-handed. It`s basic culture (at least in Serbia) to bring at least a chocolate or the cheapest wine. And why then that pointless sentence?!

2. I`m just saying!
Arghhh, I`m especially sensitive to this sentence. You know the situation when you argue with somebody, and the other person says something offensive to you. And when you point that, he/she is like "whyyyyy? I`m just saying!". What does that mean exactly? For sure he/she didn`t sing it, ask, but was SAYING!

3. Kako si? (kad si već prošao osobu i ni ne gledaš je više)
Znate onu situaciju kada prođete neku osobu koju znate i želite da joj usput kažete još nešto pored "zdravo"? Pa onda usledi ono "kako si?", iako ni ne slušaš šta ti odgovori, već nastaviš svojim putem. Ja znam da sam se osećala glupo i kad sam to pitala, pa samo produžila, a još gore i kad me je neko pitao, a ja kao budala odgovorila, tek posle shvativši da ta osoba nije ni čula moj odgovor. Onda sam to "kako si?" promenila u "jel si dobro?". Iziskuje kraći i konkretniji odgovor, a povećava šansu da zaista čuješ odgovor, pa da automatski tvoje pitanje i ima smisla.

4. Sve će biti u redu!
Mrzim kad mi to kažu, ili kad zahtevaju da to ja kažem, a niko ne može znati da li sve hoće ili neće biti u redu. Ja kada tešim neku dragu osobu, više volim da kažem nešto poput "izdržaćeš, preguraćeš, može i gore, tu sam za tebe, zajedno je lakše", nego da dajem garancije za nešto što niko nema. Svesna sam da je ovo baš posledica mog psihoterapijskog znanja i analize, ali šta ću! Borim se :) Evo još jednog predloga šta se može reći umesto te rečenice:


3. How are you? (when you have passed the person, and are not looking at her anymore)
(this is characteristic for this part of the world, I think) You know the situation when you pass by a person you know, and while passing, you want to say something more, beside Hello. And then you ask "how are you?", even though you are not listening to the response, and are just going your own way. I know that I felt stupid when I asked that, as well as when I was being asked - when I realized that the person in question didn`t even tried to listen to my answer. Then I changed that "how are you?" into "are you well/OK?". It has a shorter answer, and more concrete, so hence a bigger point and sense in that question.

4. Everything will be OK!
I hate when people say that to me, or when they ask me to say that to them, because nobody can know whether something will be OK or not. When someone dear to me is sad or disappointed, I tend to say something like "you`ll survive that, you`ll manage somehow, it can be worse, I`m here for you, together it will be easier, rather that giving the guarantees for something that I don`t have. I`m aware that all this is a consequence of my pshychotherapy knowledge and analysis, but what can I do? I`m fighting :) Here`s another suggestion of what you can say:

5. Don`t cry! (kada si tužan i kad si već krenuo da plačeš)
Ovo je klasika. Kada si tužan suze su tu da te pročiste i često da kasnije umanje tugu. I to je zdravo! Ne vidim razloga zašto bih nekoga prekidala u nečemu što će mu samo pomoći, jer Bože moj, "suze su slabost". Ja zato uvek podstičem da se osoba isplače do kraja, da to nije sramota, i da će joj posle biti samo lakše. A još više mrzim kada neko kaže da je plakanje samo za decu ili slabiće...


5. Don`t cry! (when you are sad and have already started to cry) 
This one is classic. When you are sad, tears are there to clean you from the inside, and to decrease your sadness a bit. And that`s healthy! I don`t see the point in interrupting a natural process which can only help a person, because, God, "tears are a sign of weakness". Therefore, I like to motivate a dear person to cry until the end of tears, because it will only be easier afterwards. I hate even more when someone says that crying is only for little children, or weak people...

Znate li vi za još neku besmislenu rečenicu? /////////// Do you know about any other pointless sentence?

Friday, November 9, 2012

ALOHA linky party!

Hello dear all,

in the next few weeks I`ll be co-hosting one great party - ALOHA party.
It`s a great way to meet other fellow bloggers and to discover so many interesting blogs. Feel free to join.

And also, if you are into travels and creative stuff, I invite you to visit my other blog CreaCtive.

ALOHA to everybody!

Hosted by: 
An Aloha Affair's Amazing November Team
Kendra Aleksandra Raven  Anna  * Harmony
Each week we'll highlight two team members' responses to our  conversation starter so that you can get to know them better. 

This month's conversation starter:
What Are You Thankful For?
I hope you'll enjoy getting to know these beautiful souls.

For more info on joining future An Aloha Affair teams please email:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Liebster blog award!

.. da, i ja dobih ovu divnu nagradu. Hvala puno Joanni sa Be creative mommy. Ona je jedna divna, keativna žena i majka, i obavezno posetite njen sajt, da vidite čime sve to kreativnim se ona zanima.


... yes, me too won this award. Thanks a lot to Joanna at Be creative mommy. She`s one wonderful, creative woman and a mother, and be sure to check out her blog, and see what creative she can do.

Nagrada podrazumeva odgovore na neka pitanja koja mi je Joanna postavila, pa evo ih:

1. Koje je tvoje idealno mesto za život?
Verovali ili ne, ali upravo Novi Sad. Ima toliko lepših i većih gradova, gradova sa plažama i sl., ali kada sam sve sumirala, meni je ipak od svega toga važnije da imam svoje prijatelje u tom gradu, svoju porodicu, svoju kafić, teretanu, kada prolazim gradom da imam kome da se javim..

2. Koji je tvoj omiljeni post koji si napisala?
Ovaj! Mislim da me je na pravi način predstavio, kao i ono u šta verujem i šta mislim. A "mislim ,dakle postojim" :)

3. Koja je najvažnije lekcija koju sam naučila od svojih roditelja?
Budi poštena, vredna i samostalna - kako u postupcima, tako i u stavovima.

4. Da li voliš svoj posao?
Imam sreću da na ovo pitanje mogu da odgovorim potvrdno. Za one koji ne znaju - ja sam psiholog, i radim sa maloletnim prestupnicima u okviru socijalne ustanove. Plata je mala, postoji dosta zakonskih ograničenja, ali imam sreću da radim u struci, da imam savršenu ekipu oko sebe, sa kojima imam  dobru komunikaciju i podršku, i pozicija pruža mogućnost da sama sebi kreiram još neku dodatnu aktivnost. I što je najvažnije, imama minimalno stresa. Ili to barem ja tako sebi napravim... Mislim da je u današnjem stresnom i kriznom vremenu, i više nego dovoljno.

5. Da li si srećna?
Volim da kažem da sam ja "realno srećna", što znači - da, odgovor je potvrdan.

Nagradu bih trebala dalje proslediti, ali pošto sam na oba svoja bloga već dosta puna prosleđivala nagrade i više ne znam kome još nisam, i ko ovu nagardu već nije dobijao, želim da ovaj put nagradu prosledim svim svojim pratiocima. I da ih pozovem da odgovore na neka od ovih pitanja....

Puno vas pozdravljam i hvala što pratite!


The award suggests to answer a few questions that Joanna has asked?

1. What is your ideal place to live?
Believe it or not, it`s my town -Novi Sad. There are so many bigger cities, with more opportunities, sun and beaches, etc., but I`m more into having your friends and family in your town, your favourite cafe, gym, having familiar people met on the streets, etc.

2. What is your favourite post you have written?
 It`s definitely this one. I think that it represents me well, as well as my attitudes. Because: "cogito, ergo sum" :)

3. What is the most important lession you have learned from your parents?
Be righteous, dilligent and independent - in you own acts, as well as in attitudes.

4. Do you like your job?
I am lucky enough to answer affirmative to this question. For those who don`t know, I`m a psychologist and I work with juveniles in social services. The salary is small, there are lots of law limitations, but I`m lucky enough to work in my occupation (since the unemployment in our country is very high), to have a great team around me, full of support, honesty and good communication, and also, this work position gives me the opportunity to create some additional acitivities for myself, if I want to. And, most importantly, there`s minimun of stress.  I think that in today`s time it`s more than enough.

5. Are you happy?
I often say that I`m "realistically happy", which means that my answer is again affirmative :)

I should forward this award, but since on few occasions I forwarded all the different awards in the past, and I don`t know who won it anymore, I`m forwarding this award to all of my dear followers. And I want to invite all of you who are interested to answer some of the previous questions...

Lots of regards and thanks for following!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Top 5 beliefs to lose your boyfriend/girlfriend ///// Top 5 uverenja da izgubite svog momka/devojku

Month number 8, task 1

*pisala sam sve u ženskom rodu jer me je mrzelo da pišem duplo: momak/devojka, nju/njega. Naravno, ovo sve važi za oba pola. //////////// * I was writing in female gender, because I was tired to write everything in double: boyfriend/girlfriend, him/her... Of course, everything relates to both genders.

Ako imate momka, i želite da ga izgubite, ovo su uverenja koja će vam u tome pomoći. Ako pak nemate momka, i ne želite da ga nađete, opet se podsetite nekih od svojih uverenja koja vam u tome pomažu...

1. Biću potpuna tek kada nađem nekoga. Ako sama sa sobom nisi ok, i nisi ostvarena, ne postoji niko ko to može popuniti - osim tebe same. Tako samo možeš stvoriti još veću zavisnost od njega, a on dobija na negativnoj strani moći.


If you have a boyfriend, and you want to lose him, these are the beliefs that will help you. If you, on the other hand, don`t have a boyfriend, and you don`t want to find him, it`s good to remind yourself of what is helping you in that....

1. I`ll be complete only when I find somebody. If you are not OK with yourself, and you are not self-fullfilled, there`s nobody who can complete you - but yourself. That way you could only get more addicted to him, more insecure, and he`ll get more of that negative side of power.

2. On tako NE SME da se ponaša. Ili: ja se ovako ponašam, znači mora i on tako. Epa, cvrc! Sigurno se svako od nas našao u situaciji da je očekivao recipročnost u odnosu sa dragom osobom, kad ono - međutim. Možda nije lepo da se tako ponaša, i bilo bi dobro da nam uzvrati istom merom, ali dešava se da ne bude sve po našim očekivanjima. Ono što možemo da uradimo u toj situaciji je da vidimo šta ćemo mi sa tim. Suočiti se, ukazati, ili nervirati se i čekati dan kada će taj obrazac u njegovom ponašanju krenuti da bude onakav kakav bi mi voleli.

3. Ako trebam da radim na tome da održim ljubav, onda ona nije prava. Kao i sve u životu, ni ljubav nije data sama od sebe. Barem ne kasnije. Super je kad smo zaljubljeni i kada je sve "cveće proleće". Ali, prava ljubav dolazi tek kasnije. Ona možda nije tako filmska kao zaljubljenost, ali je dugotrajna, prožimajuća i daje nam sigurnost i razumevanje koja nam treba kod partnera. Šta će vam više?!

4. Prošli momak/devojka me je povredio, sigurno će i ova/j. Pa bolje onda da se ne upuštam u vezu, jer samo tako mogu imati garanciju da me niko neće povrediti. A život mi je inače obećao da ću za sve imati garanciju, pa...


2. He CAN NOT act like that. Or: I behave like this, so he MUST behave like that too. Well, no, honey, no! Sure eachof you have found yourself in the situation when you were expecting the reciprocity in the relationship with someone close to you, when it didn`t turn out like that. Maybe it`s not nice of him to act like that, and it would be good that he gives you the same in return, but not everything is happening according to your expectations. The thing you can do is to decide what will YOU do with that. Face it, tell him and show him! Or get disappointed and enraged, and wait the day when he`ll finally start behaving completely the way you would like to. Maybe you`ll live to see that day :)

3. If I have to work on keeping the love, that it`s not the real one. Like everything else in life, love is also not just given. At least not later. It`s great when you are in love and everything is all "hearts and flowers". However, true love comes a bit later. It`s maybe not as movie-like as a crush, but it`s longlasting, fullfilling and it gives you the security and understanding that you need from a partner. What else do you need?

4. My ex-boyfriend hurt me, so this one will sure do the same. So, it`s better not to involve in any relationship, because only then I`ll have a guarantee that nobody will hurt me. Because life promised me guarantees for everything, so....

5. Kad se udam/oženim, ode moja sloboda. Oduvek sam se divila bračnim parovima koji i dalje ponekad izađu, ili npr. još sa malom bebom putuju. Mnogo smo mi današnji mladi razmaženi, sebični i često nerealni. I pravimo od normalnih stvari bauka. Zaljubi se, udaj se, rađaj, uživaj. Ako osećaš da ti je možda vreme, nemoj produbljivati analizama i stvarati nove strahove - just do it! Tako samo postoji šansa da shvatiš ovo:


6. When I get married, there goes my freedom. I`ve always admired marriage couples who still like to go out sometimes, to travel with the baby, etc. I mean, we young people of today, are in a way spoiled, selfish and often not real. We tend to make issues from the smallest things. Fall in love, get married, give a birth, enjoy. If you feel that it`s time to do it, and that you want it, don`t over-analyze it and make new fears - just do it! That way there`s a chance to realize this:

A i ako ne uspe, Bože moj.. Znaćeš da si probala...

A ako ipak želite da doživite vrhunac ljubavi, i ne bojite se toga, težite ka ovome:


And if it doesn`t work out, it`s ok.. You`ll know that you have tried...

And if you want to live to the peak of love, don`t be afraid. Just aim to this:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What I have learned this month... ///// Šta sam naučila ovog meseca...

Sara sa bloga Enjoying the epiphany mi je dala odličnu ideju da na kraju svakog meseca sumiram šta sam to (za mene) korisno naučila. Ona to radi svake nedelje, i ja joj se zbog toga divim...

Prethodnog meseca naučila sam:

1. da me prvi utisak o nekoj osobi zaista ne vara, i da sam prilično dobra u proceni drugih ljudi. Šteta što sam i ovaj put morala to da shvatim kroz loše utiske o nekome  :(

2. da nema lepšeg osećaja od toga da posle napornog ili tužnog dana, dođeš svojoj kući i ugledaš voljenu osobu. S tim u vezi, jedna simbolična pesma:


Sraah from blog Enjoying the epiphany gave me excellent idea to sum up at the end of the month everything useful that I have learned (useful for me). She is doing that every week, and I admire her for that..

So, previous month I learned:

1. that my first impression of a person usually doesn`t disappoint me. It`s a pity that once again I had to prove that to myself through some bad impressions on somebody :(

2. that there`s no better feeling of the when, after a hard or sad day, you come back home and see your loved one. Connected to that, one symbolic song:

3. da me ljudska glupost i površnost pogađaju više nego što sam to mislila.

4. da je američki šou The Voice najbolji od te fele, i da je Christina Aguliera ipak lik i prava diva.

5. da je muzika poput one od Bon Iver-a zaista bogata i prijatna, i da za nju treba sazreti da bi mogao maksimalno da uživaš.

6. da je divno kada minimalno analiziraš i kada se ne opterećuješ sitnicama, ali je to vrlo često teško održati, naročito ako si sklon analizama.

7. da je palenta u kuhinji nepresušan izvor inspiracije u receptima.

8. da su ovo najbolje vežbe za trbušnjake ikada!


3. that human stupidness and superficiality bother me more than I thought.

4. that USA show The Voice is the best one of that kind, and that Christina Aguilera is one real and big diva!

5. that music such as from Bon Iver is reallly rich and pleasant, and that for it you must get mature in order to maximally enjoy it.

6. that it`s great when you analyze something only on minimal basis, and you don`t obsess yourself with the little things. But sometimes is hard to keep that, especially if you tend to analyze.

7. that polenta is an endless source for inspiration in the kitchen.

8. that these are the best ab workouts ever!

Puno je još toga što sam naučila, ali ostaviću nešto za sledeći mesec. /////// I learned a lot of other things too, but I`ll leave something for the next time.


Još pre neki dan sam uspešno završila još jedan mesec svog projekta. Da, i dalje mi se baš, baš piše na razne teme, ali ne želim da taj zadatak produžavam još treći mesec. Barem ne u toj formi, barem ne sada. I zato mi je na pamet pala nova tema - takođe vezana za pisanje, ali sa malo konkretnijim odrednicama: " Top five mesec". Ne, to nisu top five teme a la Cosmo i slično, već neka moja razmišljanja, organizovana u formu "Top 5". Pa, videćemo kako će sve to ispasti. Ako imate neki predlog Top 5-a, pišite. Moja tastatura je spremna :)


A few days ago I finished another month of my project. Yes, I`m still in the mood for writing on different topics, but I don`t want to do the same third month in a row. At least not in that form, at least not now. That`s why a new topic came to my mind - again it is about wiriting, but with some more concrete directions: "Top 5 month". No, it`s not about a la Cosmo top five topics, but more about my thoughts about some things, organized in a Top 5 form. We`ll see how it`ll turn out. If you have a suggestion concerning some Top 5 topics, please help. My keyboard is ready :)