Saturday, October 27, 2012

People and conflicts //////////// Ljudi i konflikti

Month number 7, Task 6

... ili tačnije: ljudi i izbegavanje konflikata. Nešto što mislim da me najviše nervira kod ljudi je kada kažu rečenice tipa: "Bolje da ćutim (da ne govorim šta mislim), da ne bih upala u konflikt. Ne volim da se prepirem!".

Ne znam odakle da krenem sa objašnjavanjem koliko je ovakav stav pogrešan... Prvo, zar nije razmena mišljenja/dijalog ono što čini osnovu neke zdrave komunikacije?! Mislim, ja volim puno da pričam, ali najviše mrzim kada postavljam pitanja, podstičem razgovor, pa ipak odem kući sa utiskom da sam udavila i samu sebe, a kamoli ćutljivog i mutavog sagovornika. Monolozi nikome ne prijaju!

Pa ti neodređeno odgovaraju, a ti si npr. u problemu i treba ti reakcija, bilo kakva. Ufff...

Pored ovih, postoje i ljudi koji ni nemaju svoje mišljenje, i koji podilaze sagovorniku i njegovom stavu, samo da se ne bi sukobili. Zaista ne znam šta je od ta dva gore?! Pa ti u početku možda i prija takvo ponašanje sagovornika jer misliš kako si u pravu za sve što si pričao, ali kad shvatiš da je svo vreme u stvari tebi podilazio i nije iznosio svoje mišljenje, onda se zapitaš: da li vredi bilo šta od onoga što sam rekao?!

Zašto bi razmena čak i suprotnih mišljenja uvek morala da se završi konfliktom? Vrlo često ti samo možeš bolje upoznati tu drugu osobu, ili barem produbiti neka svoja funkcionalna uverenja!

Da vam pravo kažem, ja više volim ljude koji ovako izbegavaju konflikte, nego one koji vas kao slušaju, ali se ne izjašanjavaju:


... or, to be more precise: people and avoiding of conflicts. Something that I think irritates me the most is when people say something like: "I better keep my mouth shut (not share my opinion), so that I could not get into a conflict. I don`t like to get into a fight!".

I mean, I don`t know where to start with explaining of how this kind of thinking is wrong. First, isn`t the exchange of opinion/the dialogue something that is the basis of healthy communication with others? I mean, I love to talk a lot sometimes, but the thing that I resent most is when I go home with the impression that I have suffocated myself with the talking, and not just the quiet and numb interlocutor. Nobody likes monologues!

And then, when they are vaguely answering, and you are in a problem and really need a feedback. Any feedback! Arghhhh...

Beside these people, there are those who even don`t have their opinion, but rather say and think what you are thinking, only not to get in conflict. I really don`t know what is worse from these two?! And with this letter you maybe are enjoying in the start, when you have a feeling that you are right with everything you say. However, when you realize that all the time the other party was outflanking and wasn`t giving his/her opinion, you really wonder: is it worth anything that I have said?!

Why does everything that we say have to result with a conflict? Very often you can just get to know other person better, or at least to deepen your functional beliefs.

To be honest, I prefer people who avoid conflicts this way, rather than the ones who are listening to you sober, and not giving any feedback:

Jer sve ove prethodno opisane ja svrstavam u grupu ljudi popularno znanih kao "nit` smrdi nit` miriše", a tih se najviše treba kloniti.

Ja mislim da konflikti nekad mogu biti i konstruktivni, ako mi odlučimo da ih kao takve vidimo. I da izvučemo neke zaključke iz njih.

I ne zaboravite: nije eventualan sukob mišljenja ono što treba da izbegavate. U pitanju je nešto drugo:


Because, all the previously described people I put in a category of the people know as "neither stinks, neither smells good (direct translation for Serbian saying)", and from those one should get away the most.

I think that conflicts sometimes can also be constructive, only if we decide to see them as such. And to get some conclusions from them.

And don`t forget: it`s not a conflict of opinions the thing that you should avoid. It`s something else:

I zato, bolje radite na svojoj neverbalnoj i asertivnoj komunikaciji, nego što izbegavate razmenu mišljenja!

Ostajte mi dobro i nemojte ćutati :)


That`s why you should better work on your non-verbal and assertive communication more, rather that on avoiding the exchange of opinion!

Stay well and better not keep your mouth shut :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Humans - always dissatisfied with something! ///// Čovek je nekad proklet!

Month number 7, Task 5

Ovaj post je inspirisan postom koji je Bitchy dust napisala o tome kako biti sretan. Ja ću se nadovezati i pričati više o tome kako su ljudi stalno nezadovoljni. Jednom rečju o tome kako je čovek proklet!

Kada dođe leto - super! Napokon je otoplilo. Ali, sad je već previše toplo, kad će više kiša da nas rashladi! Kada padne kiša - uf, hoću nazad sunce i toplo vreme!

Kada smo tužni, mislimo kako bi nam mnogo lakše bilo kada bi oko nas bili srećni ljudi, pa "da barem malo podelimo tu sreću". A kada nam neko onda priča o svojoj sreći, ne možemo da je podnesemo jer nam naša tuga onda padne još teže.


This post was inspired by the post of Bitchy dust, where she was writing about how to be happy. I`ll write in addition to it, about how people are always dissatisfied with something. In one word, how humans are damned!

When summer come s- great! Finally it got warm. However, now it`s too warm - God , give us some rain! When it finally rains -ooops, I want the Sun and warm weather back.

When we are sad, we are thinking about how good it would be if around us there were more happy people, so that we "could share their happiness". And when someone is talking about their happiness, then we can`t stand it because our sadness seems even harder then.

Kada je čovek dugo sam, pa razmišlja kako bi sve dao samo da ponovo bude srećan u ljubavi. Pa kada napokon to ostvari, e onda mu smeta što nema vremena za sebe. Kada je dugo bez posla pa mu ništa neće biti teško samo da se zaposli. A kada se zaposli: "što sad moram ovako rano da ustajem, ovako puno da radim, ovako malo da zarađujem".

Kada smo mladi, razmišljamo samo o danu kada ćemo se osamostaliti i živeti "svoj život". A kada se osamostalimo, prisećamo se kako nam je lepo bilo sa roditeljima i kako bi lepo bilo da je mama tu da nam skuva, da malo počisti stan, da tata da koji dinar.

Kada roditelji odgajaju decu tako retko hvale svoju decu za ono što su dobro uradili, a tako lako kritikuju. Jer dobro se podrazumeva, a loše nikako ne sme da se desi!


When a person is alone for a long time, he/she is thinking how he/she would give everything to be happy in love again. And when that finally happens, then he/she is bothered by how little time he/she has for oneself. When we are long without a job, we are thinking how nothing would be difficult if only we could get a job. And when we are hired: "why do I have to get up so early every day? why do I have to work every day? why do I earn so little?".

When we are young we are thinking about a day when we will emancipate and start to live our own life. And when we got emancipated, we reminisce about the days when out mother was cleaning for us, cooking for us, when our Dad was giving us money.

When parents are raising the children they rarely praise them (at least in Serbia), but easily are critizing them. Because, the good is expected by itself, but the bad CAN NOT happen!

O državi i vođenju politike ne znam da li i da komentarišem.. Na Balkanu je inače popularno kukati i stalno biti nezadovoljan!

Pa onaj stav kada dobijemo šta smo želeli, a mi smo u fazonu: "pa dobro, ali..." Ne pamtim kada mi je neko rekao da je generalno srećan u svom životu.

Ako bi mogli stalno da budemo srećni, bez da se pomučimo. Jer, Bože moj, to ne zavisi od nas, već od sreće koja se deli pri rođenju. Slažem se da ponekad kada smo dali sve od sebe, postoji i onaj x factor krajnjeg ishoda, na koji mi ne možemo uticati. Ali, treba imati u vidu ovo:


About the country and the politics I won`t even comment.. On Balkans it`s very popular to moan and constantly be dissatisfied.

And then that attitude when we get what we wanted, but we are like: "Ok, but..". I can`t remember when someone has told me that he/she is satisfied with life in general.

If we could be happy, without any effort. Because, God, it doesn`t depend on us, but on happiness that is given by birth. I agree that sometimes when we gave everything, there`s that X factor of the final outcome, on which we can`t influence. However, you should keep in mind that:

.. i ovo: //// .. and this...

 I jedna srećna pesmica za kraj :) //// One happy song for the end :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

If in two weeks there was the end of the world... /////// Ako bi za dve nedelje bio smak sveta...

... kako biste vi proveli to preostalo vreme? ////////// ... how would you spend those days?

Month number 7, Task 4

Na ovu ideju došla sam nakon gledanja filma Seeking a friend for the end of the world. (Nije loš, vredi ga pogledati. Blago razočarenje mi je bila Keira, koja mi je inače jedna od omiljenih, a ovde se nešto puno veštački kreveljila.)


I got this idea after watching Seeking a friend for the ened of the world. ( It`s not bad, you should watch it. Mild dissapointment was Keira, who is one of my favourites, but in this movies she was grimacing to much.)

Zaista, šta bih sve uradila i probala za te dve nedelje?

NE bih išla na posao.
NE bih puno spavala, ali bih napokon mogla da ležem kad hoću, i da ustajem kad hoću. Osim poslednjih par dana, kada bih po poslednji put želela da vidim i doživim jutro.
NE bih brinula o tome koja hrana je zdrava, a koja smeta mom stomaku. Ako mi napravi kuršlus u stomaku, popila bih neku tabletu. Ne interesuju me posledice, ionako me neće biti tu za dve nedelje.
NE bih dozvoljavala ljudima oko mene da kukaju "šta nas je to snašlo?!". Poslednje minute bih želela da provedem u lepom raspoloženju.
Napravila bih spisak jela koja nikad nisam probala. Ako ih nema u gradu, napravila bih ih sama. I zvala drage ljudi da zajedno uživamo.
Što više vremena provodila bih sa porodicom, a svo vreme sa momkom.
Non stop bi oko mene bila uključena muzika. Jer, tako je uvek lepše.
Pošto ne bih imala vremena da osetim čari trudnoće, otišla bih u prihvatilište da preuzmem jedno dete i zajedno sa njim dočekam kraj. To bih uradila poslednjih dana - pre toga da se sebično iživim, a poslednjih par dana da brinem o malom nedužnom stvorenju.

Poslednji dan bih polupala sve što imam u kući, povadila svu odeću, pocepala sve što se može pocepati. To mi je uvek bila želja, i mislim da je baš katarzično u situacijama stresa.

Svim dragim ljudima bih barem u poruci stavila do znanja koji mi je sa njima bio najdraži zajednički momenat.

Pod hitno bih skakala bungee jumping ili padobranom. Verujem da bi bio red ispred mene, ali strpljivo bih ostavila jedan dan za to.

Uzela bih ceo minus na računu i sa momkom barem na dva dana otišla u neki evropski grad. Bilo bi lepo ići negde preko "bare", ali nema se vremena za sve. A i taj maleni minus ne bi pokrio troškove :)

Deo sa sex, drugs and rock n roll ću preskočiti, iz poštovanja prema family friendly bloggerskim prijateljima...

Šta biste vi uradili?


Really, what would I do and try in those two weeks?

I would NOT go to work.

I would NOT sleep a lot, but finally I would be able to go to bed when I want, and to get up when I want. Except for the last few days, when I would like to see the morning for the last time.

I would NOT worry about what food is healthy and what suits well to my stomach. If it makes chaos in my stomach, I would take some pill for that, not worrying about the consequences, cause I wouldn`t get to live them.

I would NOT let people around me wining about "what will happen to us!?", cause I would like to spend my last minutes in good mood, and not in moaning about the inevitable.

I would make a list of all the meals I haven`t tried. If I don`t have anywhere to buy them in the city, I would make them myself. And call dear people to enjoy in them together.

I would spend lots of time with my family, and all the time with my boyfriend.

Music would be on all the time. Because, everything is much better with it.

Since I wouldn`t have time to experience the magic of pregnancy, I would go to a shelter and take one child to take care of him until the end. However, I would do that in the last few days - before that to selfishly live by myself, and then to devote myself to that child completely.

The last day I would break all that I have in the house, cut all that could be cut, I would take all the clothes out. I`ve always wanted to do that because I think it`s a great stress reliever.

To all dear people I would send something, at least in a message, about the dearest moment with them.

I would go bungee jumping or at least jump with a parashoot. I believe everybody would want to do that, but I would patiently wait my turn.

I would take out all the money from bank account and go to one European city with my boyfriend. It would be nice to go somewhere accross the ocean, but I wouldn`t have time for that. Nor money..

I`ll skip the part about sex, drugs and rock`n`roll, from respect to my family-friendly blogger friends.

What would you do?

Friday, October 12, 2012

O rodjendanima ///// On birthdays

Month number 7, Task 3

Ja baš volim svoje rođendane. Koliko god da sam tada i u nekoj lošoj životnoj fazi, naučila sam da toga dana budem nekako "specijalno dobro" raspoložena, i ne dozvoljavam nikome da mi to pokvari.

Neki ne vole rođendane jer im se ne organizuju slavlja tim povodom. Ja uvek tražim neki povod za slavlje. Mesec dana veze, polugodišnjica, godišnjica, položen ispit.. Rođendan mu onda dođe i najvažniji povod za slavlje u jednoj godini. Više ne pravim žurke tim povodom, ali neka porodična večera, klopica za kolege i bliske prijatelje obavezno se organizuje. I dobra zabava je kod mene uvek zagarantovana. Jer, kako Monica Geller iz Friends-a kaže: "I`m always the hostess!" :)

Drugi ne vole rođendane jer im se ne troše pare na hranu i piće. Ljudi, vi zaboravljate najlepšu stvar vezanu za rođendane: poklone!!! Čak i ako je neka sitnica, ima li nečeg lepšeg od saznanja da se neko potrudio da te iznenadi. A ako ste baš materijalista - tim poklonima se otprilike i nadomesti uložen novac za slavlje. Zar ne? Pa ono iščekivanje i razmišljanje šta bi sve bilo lepo da dobiješ :)

Onda ima onih koji ne vole rođendane zato što postaju jednu godinu stariji. Uf, moš` misliti. Godine idu svidelo se to nama ili ne. Pa onda je bolje da ih prihvatimo i da se trudimo da se osećamo i izgledamo što mlađe. Eto, na primer, meni ljudi govore da imam tek 20 i neku. A ja 32 :)

I to kad te svi ljube,zovu, pišu, i žele lepe želje, pa se ti osećaš kao neka veoma bitna persona. Bez lažne skromnosti - prija! I to jako!

Zbog svega toga rođendan nije dan kao i svi ostali, i ne dozvoljavam da me bilo ko ubedi u suprotno!

E da, meni je juče bio rođendan :) I baš sam bila bitna, a posebno moj momak, koji je napravio svoju prvu tortu. I to tortu iznenađenja:


I really, really like my birthdays. As much as some bad phase hit me in that period, I`ve learned to be "in especially good mood" that day, and I don`t let anybody ruin that.

Some people don`t like birthdays because they are not in the mood to organize some celebration on that occasion. I always look for a reason for celebration. One month of a relationship, half a year, a year anniversary, passed exam... So, in that case, birthday is maybe the most important "celebration occasion" in the year. I don`t make birthday parties anymore, but a family dinner, food for colleagues and close friends is obligatory. And good time is guaranteed. Cause, as Monica Geller said in Friends: "I`m always the hostess" :)

Others don`t like birthdays because they don`t want to spend money on food or drinks (in Serbia, when you are a host, you pay everything). Come on people, you are forgetting the most beautiful thing about birthdays: PRESENTS! Even if it`s something small, is there anything more beautiful than knowing that somebody has put effort to pleasantly suprised you. And if you are a materialist - with that presents you kind of reimburse the money you payed for the celebration. Right?

And that anticipation of what you could get for presents, mmmm :)

Then you have people who don`t like birthdays because then they are one year older. Oh, come on!!! The years are passing whether we like it or not. It`s better to embrace them and try to look and feel as younger as we could. Me, for example, am often told to have around 20 and something, and I`m 32 :)

And when everybody is kissing you, calling you, writing to you, so you feel like some very special person. Without any modesty - that feels goooood. Very much!

Because of all of that birthday is not a day like every other, and I don`t let anybody convince me in anything different!

And yes, my birthday was yesterday :) A special day, and I was feeling so special! And my boyfriend too, because he made his first cake. A surprise cake:

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Retro, Vintage, Antique..

Month number 7, Task 2

U poslednje vreme svaki dan u nekom kontekstu čujem "Ja volim vintage.. To je tako retro.. Retro je u modi a.k.a. retro, sestro"... Slušam, klimam glavom. U nekom trenutku kažem "i ja", jer sam razumela šta je vintage, a šta je retro. Posle čujem te iste reči u drugom kontekstu, i zapitam se da li ja stvarno razumem te pojmove. I da li ih većina ljudi razume? Ili ih samo koriste u svom rečniku, da bi bili IN?

U svakom slučaju, odlučujem da pročešljam po Internetu i dođem do nekih zaključaka. Za vas koji želite da ovo pročitate do kraja i saznate ili proverite da li sam dobro razumela, evo šta zaključih:

Antique - je sve što se odnosi na period pre 1920. godine. U široj definiciji, to je sve što je više od 100 godina staro, što mu dođe skoro na isto. Inače bih volela da živim u tom periodu, ali jedino kad bih imala vremensku mašinu. Ta moda i dizajn nisu nešto što bih u bilo kojoj sferi danas iskoristila.

Vintage - je ono što se odnosi na period od 1920. do 1960. godine. Ovo je Wiki definicija, koje je po meni stroga, pa se odlučih za definiciju koja u vintage uključuje i sedamdesete i osamdesete.Vintage je trenutno najpopularniji termin u modi i tu se ovaj termin pre svega odnosi na second hand odevne predmete, ali i na nove koji su sa etiketom opstali još iz onog vremena (deadstock ili NOS-new old stock). I pošto svako i dalje dodaje svoje značenje ovom pojmu, vintage može biti i nešto industrijski ili handmade proizvedeno u našem dobu, ali po uzoru na gore spomenute dekade.

Retro - je neka moda, stil, trend koji su popularni danas, a odnose se na stil koji je bio popularan pre npr. 15-20 godina.

Ukratko, po meni:

Antique - je nešto jaaaako staro, i ne baš primenljivo (osim za maštanje o životu u to vreme).
Vintage - je nešto baš reprezentativno za određeno doba u prošlosti, privlačno i primenljivo u sadašnjosti.
Retro - je nešto iz prošlosti u kojoj smo i živeli, i za koju nas vežu nostalgija i sentimentalnost.

Šta vi mislite?


Lately, every day I can hear "I love vintage... It`s si retro... Retro is always IN.. etc". I listen, nod my head. Sometimes I say "me too", because I understood what vintage is, and what retro is. Afterwards, I hear it in some other context, and I wonder "do I really understand these terms?". And do most of the people understand them? Or are they just using them, so that they could be IN?

Anyway, my exploring mind immediately led me to search the Web and I came to some conclusions. For those of you who will read this to find out or to check me, this is what I have found out:

Antique - everything that relates to the period before 1920s. In wider definiton, antique is everything 100 and more years old. I would like to live in that era, if only I had a time machine. However, that fashion and design are not something I would use in today`s time.

Vintage - relates to period between 1920s and 1960s. This is Wiki definiton, strict in my opinion, so I decided to take the definition that inlcudes the 70s and the 80s also. Vintage is very popular in fashion at the moment and there it relates to everything that is second hand, but also to new items with labels (from deadstock or NOS - new old stock). And since everybody is adding something to this term, vintage can relate to something  manufactured and handmade in our time, but inspired by above mentioned decades.

Retro - is fashion, style, trend which is popular today, but relates to the style that was popular eg. 15-20 years ago.

In short, for me:

Antique - is something very, very old, and not usable in today`s time (except for dreaming about life in that time).
Vintage - is something really representative for a certain decade in past, very attractive and usable in the present.
Retro - is something from the past in which we have lived, and for which we are nostalgic and sentimental.

What do you think?

Pa kada sam sad sve to razdvojila, povezala, definisala, evo šta je meni retro i vintage....

Oličenje vintage pojma mi je Dita von Teese:


So now, when I have separated, joined, defined everything, here`s what`s vintage and retro for me...

Representation of vintage for me is definitely Dita von Teese:

Vintage su pin-up devojke (za više videti ovde):  ////////////  Vintage are pin-up girls (for more see here):

Vintage je diiivan blog A beautfiul mess. ////////////// Vintage is a wonderful blog A beautiful mess.

Vintage je i ovo: //////////////// Vintage is this:

Retro je ovo: ////////////// Retro is this:

I na kraju malo da se nasmejete.. Za looooše vintage oblačenje pogledajte ovde, a za najgore vintage omote albuma ovde i ovde.
I na kraju jedan vintage spot. Uživajte u vikendu!


And at the end here`s something for a little weekend laugh. For baaaaad vintage clothing click here.
And for the worst vintage album covers click here and here.

And at the end one vintage video. Enjoy your weekend!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What mental disorder is yours? ///// Koji je tvoj mentalni poremećaj?

Month number 7, Task 1

Sećam se da sam u vreme studiranja dok sam spremala ispit iz psihopatologije, imala male "krizice", jer sam se pronalazila u simptomima mnogih mentalnih poremećaja, pa sam se plašila da ću jednog dana samo kliknuti i ćao :)


I remember that while as a student I was preparing the exam from psychopathology, I had little crisis, for finding myself in symptoms of many mental disorders, and therefore for fearing that one day I`ll just "click" and then: bye bye :)

Onda mi je bilo malo lakše, jer sam shvatila da nisam jedina koja je tako razmišljala. Kada smo svi (studenti na tom predmetu) postali svesni da nećemo biti sami u tom ludilu, čak i ako se jednog dana dogodi, počeli smo da se šalimo sa tim stvarima i da igramo igrice tipa "kada bih jednog dana "skrenula", koji bi to poremećaj bio?". Prvo sam tipovala na maničnu depresiju, jer nekad zaista iz kraćeg depresivnog stanja, kao da naglo skliznem u maničnu fazu. Onda sam shvatila da je to uglavnom u vreme PMSa, kada me hormoni i inače piče. I tu nisam bila jedina, pa sam ovo otpisala kao nešto od čega ja mogu da patim :)


Then, I felt a bit easier when I realized that I was not the only one who was thinking like that. When all of us students became aware that we`ll not be the only ones in that craziness, even if it comes one day,  we started to make jokes with that stuff and to play games like "if one day I go astray, what would that disorder be?". At first, my favourite was manic depression, cause sometimes really it`s like I`m suddenly slipping from a short depression phase, straight into a manic phase. Then I realized that it`s usually during the PMS, when I tend to cry either way, and then simply start to laugh. I was not the only one in this problem, so I gave up on this as something from which I could suffer :)

Onda sam se usmerila na čistu depresiju. Mislila sam "Bože, ako sam sad ovako na sve strane, sa svima, za sve tu, istrošiću se. Izgubiću volju za životom..". Prošlo je dosta vremena od tada, nisam se istrošila, već sam samo postavila neka ograničenja, i izbacila kradljivce energije. Uf, dobro je. Izgleda da neću imati ni depresiju :)


Then I was directed on basic depression. I was thinking "God, if now I`m this much on all sides, with everybody, for everybody. I`ll force myself, and get tired eventually. I`ll lost a lust for life..." Long time has passed from then, and I haven`t got tired. I have just put some limitations and got rid of energy stealers. Uuuugh, it`s ok. It seems that I won`t suffer from depression too :)

I tako sam ja položila taj predmet, i prestala da razmišljam o eventualnom svom "oboljevanju" u budućnosti. A nisam ni primetila da ja sve vreme imam neke "čudne navike", totalno drugačije od onih kojih sam se pribojavala. O čemu se radi? Naime, skoro sam zaključila da sam po pitanju nekih stvari pomalo opsesivno-kompulzivna. Sada se ne bojim da će to značiti da "ludim", ali zaista lako postanem napeta kada su neke stvari u pitanju. Na primer, sve stvari u kući moraju da su na svom mestu. U mojoj kući se usisava i briše prašina maksimalno jednom nedeljno. Nisam opterećena time da uzaludno brišem prašinu svakog dana, kada ionako odmah padne ponovo. Ali, svaka stvar mora da je na svom mestu. Od malih ukrasa, do jastuka, odeće i slično. Sve ima svoj ugao, položaj, i to ne volim puno da menjam. Ovo je za mene dobro (jer odmah znam kada je neko nešto uzimao, pomerao), ali nisam sigurna koliko je dobro za mog momka?! :) 


And so I passed this exam, and stopped thinking about a possible going astray in the future. And I didn`t notice that all the time I had some strange habits, totally different from the ones I was afraid of. What is it about? I recently have concluded that about some things I`m a bit obsessive compulsive. Now I`m not afraid that it will make me "go crazy", but I really can get so tense when some things are in question. For example, all the things in my flat has their own place. I`m not obessed to dust or vacuum every day, cause it got no use - the dust will fall immediately either way. However, every object in the room has to be in its own place. All the time. From small decorations, to pillow, clothes, etc. Everything has its own angle, position, and I don`t like to change that much. This is good for me (cause I can easily notice if something is moved, touched), but I`m not sure how good it is for my boyfriend?!  :)

A kada vidim sliku da krivo stoji! Ajooojj.. Neka sam i u nekoj čekaonici, među ljudima, ali ako vidim da slika stoji krivo, odmah prilazim da je namestim. Neoprani sudovi mi bodu oči. A tek nenamešten krevet! A imam i neke rituale, koji bi se mogli podvesti pod ovu temu. Recimo kad sam bila mlađa, prekrivala sam se ćebetom koje je imalo naslikanog princa i princezu. Nisam mogla da zaspim ako me je mama pokrila tako da oni stoje naopačke. Onda ja lepo ustanem i okrenem ćebe tako da su i njihove glave u pravcu moje. Inače, i sve ostalo naravno mora da bude namešteno za spavanje. Svetlo ugašeno, a tv pogotovo. Ne d`o Bog da vrata ostanu otvorena. Onda ću se cele noći buditi i gledati da li me neko gleda dok spavam. Ili ću imati osećaj kao da će sat da zvoni svake sekunde, pa neću ni spavati kako treba.

Još nisam počela da skupljam stvari kao oni skupljači sa televizije, ali nije baš i da sam sklona bacanju, hihihi

Ne znam više da li bih ovo sve uopšte i nazvala O.K. ili je to samo moja želja za kontrolom i perfekcionizmom....


And when I see a painting on the wall that is not hanged straight. Oh my God! Even if I`m in a waiting room, among people, if I see the picture not hanged straight, I immediately approach it and put it in a "proper" position. Dirty dishes also bother me. And messy bed! I don`t even want to begin with it. And I have some rituals also, which could be put under this topic. For example, when I was younger, I had a blanket with a prince and a princess. I couldn`t fall asleep if my Mom covered me so that the prince and princess are not turned right. Then I just get up, turn the blanket so that the heads on the blanket are in my direction, and only then I could sleep. Of course, everything else has to be prepared for the sleeping too. The light is turned off, and the tv - I don`t even want to mention. And God don`t let the door stay open! Then I would wake up every minute to check whether someone is watching me while I`m sleeping. Or I would have a feeling that the clock will ring every moment, so I won`t sleep right.

I still haven`t start hoarding like the people from the tv, but when I think about it, I also don`t like to throw things away, hihihihi

I don`t even know whether to call all this O.K., or is it just my tendency to control things or pefectionism...

U svakom slučaju, sad mi je jasno zašto me moji prijatelji porede sa Monikom Geler iz Friends-a :) I nije mom momku lako sa mnom...

A kada bi se kod vas "otkačio" neki mentalni poremećaj, koji bi to bio? :)


Anyway, now I`m clear with the reasons why my friends compare me with Monica Geller from Friends :) And to my boyfriend is not easy with me, at all...

Which would be your mental disorder? :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

6 months of my personal project

Sa prethodnim mesecom je završen moj lični projekat - Projekat 6x6. Tačnije, završen je njegov prvi turnus. Kao što detaljnije piše ovde, njegov cilj je bio da mi malo začini život, što je stvarno i uspeo. To jest, ja sam sama uspela, i veoma sam ponosna na to :) 

U prethodnih šest meseci postigla sam sledeće:

0. Poboljšala sam svoje kulinarske veštine (click)
1. Naučila sam da primećujem detalje oko sebe, što sam obeležila fotografijama (click)
2. Ponovo sam u sebi probudila svoj kreativni deo ličnosti, a što sam nastavila da razvijam na svom drugom blogu CreaCtive
3. Više se i bogatije družila sa dragim ljudima (click)
4. Malo više obratila pažnju na svoj styling (click)
5. Otkrila novu muziku (click)
6. Ponovo se posvetila svom pisanju i zapisima (click).

A kranji produkt - osećaj da sam zaista nešto usavršila kod sebe i da sam razvila neke nove ljubavi i interesovanja, a takođe i probudila neka stara, koja su mi bila preko potrebna. Mogu reći da sam gotovo sve zadatke dobro potrefila, osim možda četvrtog meseca - vezanog za obraćanje pažnje na svoj styling. Nisam sigurna u čemu je tačno bio problem, obzirom da volim da se sređujem i doterujem... Možda je problem bio u tome što nisam imala fotografa za to, već je momak jadan išao na brzinu sa mnom napolje da "odradi to što mi treba za blog", pa sam i ja brzala, kako mu ne bih bila na teretu. Ili jednostavno nisam ja za fashion bloggera :) Plan mi je da se u budućnosti opet malo više posvetim svom odevanju i raportiranju o istom. Naravno, u momentu kada za tim budem imala potrebu...

Pošto je prvobitan plan projekta bio da nakon 6 meseci donesem odluku o tome da li sam dovoljno začinila svoj život, ja svečano objavljujem da je taj cilj definitivno postignut, ali sam se ja toliko navukla na zadavanje i realizaciju zadataka "začinjavanja života", da ću i narednih šest meseci nastaviti sa istim. Pošto me je poslednji zadatak izuzetno inspirisao, a naišla sam i na dosta vaših pozitivnih komentara, odlučujem i da prvi mesec narednog turnusa projekta posvetim pisanijama na razne teme.

Hvala vam svima što me pratite i pružate podršku. Slobodno mi se pridružite u projektu, jako prija :)


With previous month coming to its end, my personal project have also finished. To be exact, its first phase has finished. As it was explained here, its goal was to spice my life up, which was completely fulfilled. To be more precise, I managed that by myself, and I`m so proud of it  :)

In the last few months I achieved:

0. to improve my culinary skills (click)
1. to notice the details around me more, which I captured by camera (click)
2. to re-awake my creative side, which I continued to develop on my other blog CreaCtive
3. to hang out more and richer with my dear firends (click)
4. to pay attention more on my styling (click)
5. to discover some new music (click)
6. to start to write again (click).

And the final product - the feeling that I have improved some old skills, and awakened some new interests, which I needed very much. I can say that I chose great tasks for myself, except maybe the one which considered my styling. I`m not sure what the problem was exactly, considering the fact that I like to dress up... Maybe it was because I didn`t have a proper photographer for that, so my poor boyfriend was going out with me to "quickly do the chores for my blog things", and in the end I was also hurrying the things, because I didn`t want to be a burden to him. Or I`m just not for blogging :) My plan is to pay more attention  to this in the future, and to raporting about it ofc. Of course, in a moment when I have a need for it.

Since the first plan was to decide after six months if I have spicen up my life sufficiently, now I`m solemnly proclaiming that the goal was definitely achieved, and since I`m so hooked to this project now, I`ll continue with it for the next 6 months too. Since my last task inspired me so much, and you were leaving me so many nice comments, I`m deciding to continue with my writings and giving the opinions for the next month too :)

Thank you all for following and giving me support. Feel free to join me in my project, it really feels good :)